As Emma walked to her car at the end of the day, she grinned widely as she saw Aiden leaning up against her car waiting for her. Smiling that radiant smile of his, Aiden raked his eyes all over her body as she approached him.
-''Hey beautiful,'' he said as he greeted her.
-''Why hello Mr. Flattery-Gets-You-Nowhere,'' she joked as she opened the door and tossed her tassel purse in the backseat.
-''So I was thinking,'' he began as he leaned closer to her, ''that we could finish that date today if you're not busy.''
Smiling to herself, she couldn't help but pick up on the word date.
-''Well I kinda have homework tonight...'' she began but he interrupted by saying that they could help each other with it. As she agreed to his proposition, he got on his bike and told her to follow him as they drove to his apartment.
Upon walking into the apartment, Emma was surprised by how spacious the apartment was as she thought it was only him and his brother Ethan living there.
-''Nah,'' he explained, ''there's actually five people living here. Ethan and I plus our uh...aunt and two uncles...'' he decided on saying. ''But they're all out on ..arrends, so we should have the place to ourselves for a few hours,'' he said as he winked at her.
Trying to hide the heat rising to her cheeks, Emma decided to walk around the living room looking at all the art.

aiden love story
Romantikemma McCall Scott little sister and Elena McCall sister Elena in relationship with Ethan Emma is in relationship with her boyfriend aiden