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Back at the alphas apartment, Aiden was still bummed over the situation and to his surprise, he was more upset over how upset she was than anything else.

-''You couldn't have texted me man?'' Aiden complained to Ethan to which he just got a shrug of the shoulders and a 'you should know better anyway' look.

Just then, Kali walked in the room and sat on the couch next to Aiden. She had an angry look on her face, but also with a touch of sympathy.

-''Aiden, you know better than to bring humans back here. I don't think I have to remind you how Duke would react if he came home and that girl was here.'' Kali said if a concerned tone. Aiden knew Kali could be incredibly harsh sometimes, but she genuinely did care about Ethan and himself.

Sighing, Aiden nodded his head. He knew she was right and he had no idea why he had been so stupid in the first place.

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