Part 5 // I'm Sorry

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"I say that I don't want to talk about it. Actually, I do, but I'm just afraid of your reaction. I'm afraid of the pity in your eyes when you realise how screwed up I am."

After getting that text, Ember didn't even waste a second on replying. She got straight up and ran to her window, pulling the curtains apart as she did so. She gazed down and was completely shocked by what she saw. Right there, standing in her drive, was George. He must've travelled for hours until he finally got to her house - she couldn't believe it.

George was about the same height as Ember with blonde, messy hair that came down to his jawline. He had rounded light blue eyes and perfect teeth. 

Ember reached forward and opened the window,

"Oh my God!", she said, "I can't believe you're here!"

"Yeah it did take a while, but anything for my bestie, eh." He said, smiling at her. She smiled back before running down the stairs and opening the front door for him.

"Hey!" She said.

"These are for you," he said while handing out a bouquet of pink and purple roses, "I heard what happened."

"These are beautiful!" She said while taking them.

"Well I know purple's your favourite colour and I thought you'd like these."

"Ember, who's at the door?" Abigail said, walking into the hallway, "Oh, George, I haven't seen you in ages, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing well thanks, Newcastle College is really good, it was worth the move."

"It's good to know you're getting on well, George."

"Thanks, Abi." He said while walking inside, closing the door behind him.

Ember finds a colourful water marble vase to put the roses in and then places them on her desk. They were the only colour in her room, lifting the whole atmosphere.

"So," George said, sitting on her bed "why did you attempt suicide?"

She looked at him dully, "I figured you'd ask that sooner or later."

"Well, of course, I hate seeing you upset. If it's Laura again I swear I'll find her and beat her ass." He laughed.

She managed to let out a laugh too, "Yeah it kinda is."

"What's she been doing now?"

"It's a long story..."

"I didn't come all this way for the intention of staying 5 minutes, Ember, I have all day."

She proceeded to tell him about how she caught Lauren and her boyfriend at the time, Jackson, hooking up on her birthday. She explained how she managed to get into the same college as her and how she continues to threaten her. She explained all the small, overlooked things, like how Lauren would glare at her in the corridors, about how she'd trip her over or purposely barge into her. About how she'd constantly send her messages about how she's worthless and how she should just kill herself - the world would be a better place.

It was easy for George to see how this got to Ember; she'd always been a sensitive girl and with no friends - besides him - he knew it must be hard for her.

"Aw, Em," George said. He hugged her in an attempt to comfort her. "why didn't you tell me?"

"...I don't know."

"Please, you have to tell me stuff like this, you matter to me and I couldn't imagine what I'd do if you left like that!"

This began to make her feel a bit guilty. "I'm sorry."

George could tell talking about this was upsetting her, "How about we go out and do something?"

"Uhh... Yeah, that sounds great, but I promised Jack I'd go out with him later."

"Who's Jack?"

"Just a guy..." She looked up at George who seemed quite upset.

"Are you saying I came all this way and your gonna leave me for this random guy?" He said sarcastically.

"Fine, I'll cancel on him but what do you wanna go do?"

George thought for a moment, "Have you seen Seven Minutes In Hell?"

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's a new horror film."

"George... You know I hate horrors!"

"Aw come on! It looks good." He tried to persuade her.

"Okay, but your paying seeing as you want to go so badly."

"Fine by me, you'll probably end up loving it."

Ember rolled her eyes and laughed. She got her phone out and texted Jack:

Sorry I have can't go for coffee later, my Mum needs me to help her with something :(  

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