Chapter Thirteen

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It was the 20th show of warped tour and Michael and the band was signing autographer at the show. Courtney and I stood on the side with the crew. "Arnt they so cute." Courtney said looking at Ryan. "Oh yeah, 20th time watching them do this. Montrel is so differnt from when we was in Arizona." I said smartly laughing. Courtney lightly punched me and laughed as well. "Hey now." Michael said laughing cause he saw Courtney punch me. "I need a drink." Ryan said as he walked over to where we was and got a coke.

Everything was going great, untill a fan came up to Michael and asked him to bite her. My eyes grew wide. Michael looked at me to asked me if that was okay, but he got this scared look on his face. I was about to take a chunk out of Ryan's neck. "No!" Michael yelled as he quickly pulled me off of him. "Holy shit." Ryan said jumping back. Michael had his arms around me and I tried to reach around him for Ryan. "Cyndy look at me." Michael said as he looked me in the eyes. My eyes turned red. "So hungary." I said as I fell to the ground in pain. Worse pain then before. "Whats wrong with her?" The fans started to say. "Um, signing is over." Philip said as he started to push the fans away. "We need to get her on the bus." Michael said as he started to pick me up, but I screamed in pain. Michael had tears in his eyes as he finaly got the courage to pick me up, even though I was in great pain, and carry me to the bus. "Get me the blood." Michael said pointing to his room. Philip went back and got it and handed him a bag. "Im going to need more." Michael said as he feed me the blood. Philip came back with two more bags. "Why does it hurt!" I yelled. "Holy shit her stomic is moving." Philip said as he handed Michael other bag. Michael lefted up my shirt and something was moving inside me. It wasnt normal either.

"We got to go set up." I hurd a voice say. "Shh." Michael's voice said. I opened my eyes and I was in Michael bed in the back room. "What?" I said confussed. Michael held my hand crying. "You got even worse last night. It was horrible. Michael wont leave you alone." Philip said from across the room. "My stomic hurts." I said holding my stomic. "I bet it would. It was doing werid shit." Aaron said freaked out. "Like?" I said confussed. "Like something was moving inside you." Dj said looking at his phone. He showed me a video. "Holy hell." I said coveringmy mouth. "Were going to a libary and figuring this out." Michael said looking at the floor. "How would Iibary help?" I asked confuessed. "Thats how Michael learned how to be and control hiself was old vampire books." Philip said. I laid back and held my stomic. "Everything is going to be okay." Michael said as he kissed my hand. "I really hope so." I said sounding worried.

The guys just got done with their show and came back on the bus and we headed to the closest libary. "You guys didnt even do signings?" I said shocked as the bus started moving. "Nope. This is more important." Michael said sitting next to me. "Dont you think you should tell the fans?" Courtney said as Ryan sat next to her. "Yeah." Michael said as he got on tweeter from his phone. 'Guys, im reaLLy sorry, but I couLd not come out and sign things with you aLL. I have things to take care of. I promise I wiLL make it up tho.' Michael said in his tweet. "I wounder whats wrong." Ryan said as he looked at me. "You and me both." I said trying to make everyone laugh, which wasnt working at all.

We arrived at the libary and Michael ran inside. Courtney and Ryan helped me inside to find Michael and find out what was wrong. "Find anything?" Philip asked as we all sat at a table close to wear Michael was. "Not yet." Michael said looking at book tittles. "Oh god." I said as I held my stomic. "You ok?" Courtney said looking at me. "Fine." I said taking a deep breath. "I got somthing." Michael said as he got a book and started to look threw it. I looked the other way. I really didnt wanna know what was wrong with me. I felt more like a freak then before. Michaels eyes got wide. "What is it?" Ryan asked him. Michael didnt say anything, just looked at me. He gave me this look. I was worried, because he was. "Well?" Courtney said as she tried to look at the book. "Well, it says that this is way not normal and was never expected but if it was, it would be horrible if not done right." Michael finally said. "What is the damn thing." Aaron said unpatient. "There is somthing inside her. Its alive." Michael said looking at me. My eyes got wide and I looked at my stomic. "What could it be?" Courtney said looking at me. "Its not human." Michael said sounding scared. "Then what could it possibly be?" Dj asked. "Its a vampire. A baby vampire. Im going to be a father to a vampire." Michael said in shock.

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