Chapter 1 - The normality of Jane Adams

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"Hey Jane! Wait up!"

I turned round to see Tessie running towards me at full speed, and then proceeding to hit me as she attempted to stop, causing us both to tumble to the ground in what felt like a millisecond.

"Whoops. Sorry."

Tessie was always doing things like that. She just needed to learn to brake when running. It wasn't a big problem though; a few bumps and bruises might have had my mother going into her Overprotective mode, but it wasn't going to kill me.

We ended up walking home together, as we normally did. And being neighbours just made it easier. After half an hour, we finally arrived near enough home to part our ways, although it would have been sooner if we didn't live so far away from the school.

"Mother! I'm home!" I yelled as walked through the front door. There was no answer. I yelled again. Nothing. But I brushed it off. Maybe she was just late coming home from work. She had been for the past couple of weeks. So I simply walked upstairs and into my bedroom, then put my bag in the corner. I sighed. The house was just too quiet when Mother wasn't there. No reality tv shows. No loud chatting on the phone. No music from the 60's. Just silence. I climbed the ladder into my bed and then flopped forward. There was just nothing to do. I couldn't draw, as my had Mannequin had broken and we were all out of Paper, art paper and normal paper. I couldn't eat, as then I wouldn't be able to eat the pizza Mother had promised that night. I hugged my pillow. I was bored. I would have screamed about it as most other teenagers would have, but that's never accomplished anything. Screaming about small problems in life never accomplishes anything. Its just the way the world works.

After sighing multiple times to try to cure the boredom, I finally decided that I could at least change out of my school uniform and put it in the wash. I wasn't going to be needing it for the weekend.

When Mother arrived home, about an hour later, everything went back to normal. The liveliness of the house was back. And thats how I liked it. I even got to Video Call my father and my sister Nova as it was a Friday. Father was in France on a Business Trip, and Nova was studying for a French degree in University and so had to live in France for a year. As they both had to go to the same place, they made it easier by going together. I honestly idolised Nova. She was taking multiple majors in University, including French, Art, Computer Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and others. What's more amazing is that she manages it stress free. She was the kind of girl that everyone either wanted to marry or to be. She never got acne, she had a perfect complexion, perfect body structure and amazingly soft, glossy, black hair. She tanned easily and had shining Hazel eyes, as well as being an intellectual and tall. She was perfect. And then there was me. I was short and chubby, with messy rough hair that was a less flattering shade of black than Nova's was. I would constantly get acne, and although I tanned easily, I tanned TOO easily. I swear just looking at a picture of the sun makes me sunburnt. And to top it all off, I got just under the average levels at my school. So naturally, I would think that Nova was practically a Godess. But it didn't affect my quality of life. I wasn't bullied, and although Tessie was my only friend, she was the best friend I could have. So I was happy.

That night started off as normal. I brushed my hair in an attempt to make it soft, and changed into my pajamas. They weren't anything special. My pajamas were just simple, baby pink pajamas, with long legs and long sleeves, patterned with white butterflies. One could buy them at ones local store, provided that store sells more than just food.

I climbed into bed, and quickly fell asleep. That's where the usualness of the night started to change. Normally it would have taken me a couple of hours to get to sleep. My mind was normally just too active. But that was the only thing that was different.

My alarm went off and I reluctantly got out of bed, before remembering the reason I even had an alarm on a Saturday. Once I did however, I became a lot more awake. The reason I had an alarm was because Tessie and I were going into town to shop as it was her birthday that Wednesday. I got dressed as quickly but as neatly as I could, into a cute little pink hoodie dress and some light grey tights. I went downstairs and grabbed my school shoes to wear, as I didn't have much in the way of shoes.

"Mother! I'm going to meet Tessie! See you later!" I shouted, before Mother promptly shouted back;


I smiled, and then ran across the road. But halfway through, I blacked out...

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