Chapter 2 - The Jori Stranger

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"Stop in the name of the Law!"

 I awoke to find myself in an unfamiliar place. It looked like somewhere straight out an RPG, or Victorian London. I didn't have much time to look around properly though, as a couple of seconds later I was hit by something.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" It was a soft voice, but panicky. I went to reply, but before I had a chance it's owner grabbed my wrist and I was lifted off of the ground.

"I'm Sorry, but hold on. Please trust me." I opened my eyes to see myself flying above houses, and held on. I didn't have much of a choice really. It was ether hold on or die. I looked up to try to see the person who spoke, and the first thing I noticed was a lot of purple and pink. She had light pink skin and very light purple hair, so light it was pretty much white. She wore a small purple silk sheet around her breasts and around her underwear, both held together by a flower, again purple. On her back were two wings; they were like a Monarch Butterfly's in shape and pattern, except it was a slightly darker shade of purple than her hair. There was also a teal flowery pattern on her arm. Behind her however, was someone else, also flying. They had the same arm pattern, but it was dark blue. Their skin was a light blue, while their hair was Navy blue. This other person wore a long, navy blue silk sheet wrapped around their body. I was amazed that it even stayed on, and that it didn't fall apart, as it was again held together by a mere flower. This strange person also had dark blue dragonfly wings.

"Aricia Candyce Audria! We demand you to stop or to face banishment forever!" The blue person called out. The pink one, who I assumed was Aricia, kept on flying, ignoring the other person.  She called again. Nothing. It continues for what seemed like forever.

Until the guards came at least.

What seemed like millions and millions of guards surrounded us. The flying blue creature came up in front of Aricia.

"Please....Don't do this..." Aricia finally answered.  The blue thing pulled out a scroll made from a fairly large leaf.

"Aricia Candyce Audria. Under suspicion of kidnapping Princess Cesaria Kikerendiria, and failure to be arrested peacefully, you are hereby banished from the kingdom of Ariura."

Arica started tearing up and losing her grip on my arm. All I could do is hold on even tighter, or to face death. "No...Nora....Please...." She seemed to realise what she said though, and quickly clasped her hand over her mouth. 

The next moments seemed like a blur. Aricia suddenly shot down, not in control of her directions. The teal markings on her arm were slowly turning red. We hit the ground. 'Nora', as Aricia had called her, was slowly fluttering down after us.

"I am extremely sorry about this Aricia, but it must be done." She took out a huge pair of scissors, and cut off the ends of Aricia's wings. I was horrified. Banishment was one thing, but hacking a pair of wings mercilessly was another. I could only watch in trepidation while this savagery went on. Aricia seemed to be in masses of pain. Just watching made me almost feel it myself. It was only a few seconds, but it felt hours, days even . When it finally stopped, Nora flew off with her guards with a blank expression on her face.

Arica was kneeling on the ground, hanging her head.

"Excuse me? Aricia?"

She looked up at me. "Don't call me that." she stood up. "Its not me real name anyway. Just call me Joribella."

I hesitated, and then replied. "Well then, Joribella, are you okay?" She didn't look it, but I wanted to ask to be certain.

She sighed. "I'm fine. I was expecting it anyway." She looked up at me. "Sorry about suddenly grabbing your wrist by the way. I just..... never mind."

I laughed slightly. "Its fine. Don't worry about it. I'm Jane" I reached my hand out to hers.

"You already know me... but you can just call me Jori for short" She reached her hand out to meet mine. "Oh, by the way, where are you from? I've never seen anyone wear anything like what you are round Ekamiary. I like it, but its strange"

"Um..... That's a story for another time." We laughed. I may have strangely gotten into a strangle place, but at least I made a friend. In a strange way. And at least I learnt the name of the place I was. Ekamiary......... What a peculiar name......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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