Chapter Ten: When Love's Roses Wilt (Part 1)

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Trigger warning: Blood, violence, torture, vengeance. Read at your own risk.

"I-I'm sorry, Mark." I said, my fists clenched around the bat in my hand, I lifted it above his head, Mark was shaking, I smirked and brought it down upon his head. Mark became still, for a moment I feared he might've been dead. I rolled him over, he moaned. He was fine, just knocked out. I dragged him to my garage. I didn't have a basement, but my garage was dark, no windows, no daylight ever got in. There was however a tiny light on the ceiling that gave a spotlight over a pole that held the roof up. I dragged Mark to it, and tied him against it. I had cameras in here, I would know when Mark woke up. For now...I would need to prepare. I got out my knives. I remembered well that he used some on me. What else did he do to me?! What did he use?! I didn't really want to remember the torture, but then again, it would fuel my rage. I turned to the cameras, Mark's head was rolling. He was waking up. Great. Though...I don't think he should've woken up that quick. He used a bat on me as well. He burned me. What happened? I sat down...I now knew that I needed to remember.

It started when Mark came to my house a couple weeks ago. He needed my help, he had a vacation home here in Ireland. He came to ask me for help keeping Dark back. I agreed, Mark was my friend. It wasn't a long drive to his house, but we stopped somewhere in between our two houses. He asked me for help to look for something, I got out to help. While I was looking under the car, he hit me with a bat and shoved me in the trunk. I woke up woozy and in a dark place. A light shone bright in my windows, no fresh air. I was scared but all the sudden a deep mean tone of voice came to me.

"'ve woken up, huh?"

"Maerk?" I asked softly, "Is that you?"

" should know better." The voice growled.

"What happened?" I whispered, scared to speak loudly.

"In've failed to help Mark." An evil giggle was heard.

"Darkiplier? That can't be...I didn't even get a chance!" I squeaked.

"It's good to know you recognize me."

"What are you going to do to me?!"

"I'm going to bring the darkness out of you. You're the only one who hasn't turned. You're too good, too nice. Its my job to make you one of us." Dark growled again.

"No!" I panicked.

"Enjoy your stay..." Darkiplier purred, I felt his eyes leave me, I heard him walk somewhere farther from me, then a door slam.

I curled up on myself. I was scared. Darkiplier didn't like me, his job was to make me into one of them, an other, alternative version of myself. I couldn't move much. I was tied. I started to tear up. Mark was my best friend, and now...he was most likely gonna kill me.

Dark came back, it felt like days later, he approached slowly. I could actually see him this time. He had a bat. I moved as far away from him as I could.

" someone scared?" Dark grinned.

I turned away from him, out of the light. "Why?" I whispered. "I thought we were friends."

"Jack...come now, wont you play along?" He growled lowly, grinning mischievously.

"Don't do this..." I said quietly, trying hard not to show I was crying.

"You'll thank me in time. But for now..." Darkiplier raised the bat "Sweet dreams." He brought it down on my head, hard, knocking me completely unconscious. The last thing I remembered was red clouding my eyes, and Darkiplier laughing before walking away.

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