Chapter 3. Empire

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Gentle breeze caressed my face. It's so plesent.Gentle rays of the sun warm me and it made me feel relaxed. The smell of the grass is so intoxicating. I could lie like this for eternity.I slowly opened my eyes.

'Ghhh...' sun is to bright. I slowly stood up and looked around myself. I was in woods. ' W-what ?? How the hell.... Did I get here?? This must be a dream... It has to be...' I kept looking around . Suddenly I heard the noise followed by two voices.

'Celsus!! For the Gods sake !! Stop fooling around !! 'saed femail vioce.

' What!? I'm not!' replied masculine one.

' Ohh... I sometimes wonder if we are realy relited...'than I noticed, the lenguage they are talking with, it isn't english...It''s...latin?? I heard it before once or twice in movies ... but now it simes that I can understand it. Since when I started speaking latin... how come I know what are they talking about.

I followed the direction from which the voices were coming. Hiding behind a tree, I saw two people dressed very strange. Both wore white togas, the scene reminded me of my books full of pictures from Roman times. Girl and boy, she was next to a small stream and filling a jug with water, while the boy sat on a rock and watched the girl with disapproval. How strange dream, I thought to myself. This must be because of the necklaces.

Suddenly I began to choke. I could't breathe. Unconsciously I grabed my neck, and felt the necklace on it, it was chokeing me.I began to feel dizzy and my vision started to blur. The only thing I managed to utter was ' Help..' then my legs gave up and I fell forward. The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness were two blury silhouettes running towards me, and then darkness.

'In the name of Jupiter, who is this girl? Is she alive ?! '
'Let me see.' Leaning man check her pulse. ' She's fine, her heart still pounding.But who is she, I have never seen her before.'

'Brother, look! Pendant on her neck!'
'Hmm?... Ohh?! Barbaric symbols!! She is one of them?! Perhaps those savages are close! We have to go! Now!'

'But what do we do with her , we can't just leave her here like this!'

'Are you crazy? She is probably from their tribe. We are at war with them. And you wanna rescue her ?!'

'Perhaps she isn't. Perhaps is prisoner that escaped.See, she is wearing our clothes! Poor thing. We have to help her out! End of story!!'

Guy just sighed and lifted the unconscious girl. Her head fell on his chest and he felt slightly blush spreading on his cheeks. His heart began to pound. But he chooses to ignore this strange sensation and hurried to return to the village.

after night fell

I smell something. Some herbs. The smell is so intoxicating. Suddenly something wet and cold is on my forehead.I cautiously opened my eyes and in front of me was a young girl. She's the girl from before. With her was some guy. 'Ghhh.. ' I felt a sharp pain in the head.
Unknown girl said to me ' Don't worry, everything will be all right.You hit your head when you fell. It isn's sirious and the pain will pass soon.' she gave me a warm and assuring smile.

Slowly I lifted myself sensing mild dizziness.
' Where am I ? '
' This is my and my brothers house. We brought you here when you
collapsed. You really scared us! We were thougt that you died! But thanks to Venus, you're good.'

' Thanks for your help, but...' I stopped and began to look around the room.The room was beautifully decorated in white marble.Small but bright. Two windows were on the opposite wall from me. Through them I could see the garden. On the same wall was something what looked like a closet and a small bench.
Besides that and one small chair on which girl sat, room was empty. How strange.

'Mmm ... ' girl said 'I still don't know your name ? '

'M-my name? Ohh sorry ... I'm Julia.'

'I'm Livia, nice to meet you.' she smiled at me.

' I'm sorry that I made a fuss. I don't know how to repay you?'

'Don't be ridiculous, everyone would do what I did, it's the thing humans should do for one another'

She is a good person.I felt ashamed because I made a problem for her. I am truly grateful.
But now I only have one question on your mind.

' I'm sorry but ... Can you tell me where exactly are we?? '

' Ohhh... of course, you're in a village near Rome. I mean, it isn't really that close but that's the nearest city.'

I felt that my head started to pulsate.
'R-rome!?' my face lost it's color 'Is this some kind of joke?'

She looked at me puzzled and somewhat frightened.
'Julia are you alright? You don't look well. Perhaps it would be better to lie down.' she started pushing me to lie down.

Then it suddenly everything became clear.I quickly pinched myself.
'No.. no ... no !!! ' I began stronger and stronger, but I can't wake up.
She looked at me in horror.
'Julia!!' she shook me.
Still looking in my hands I asked her 'Livia, what date is today? '
' Date? Well lets see... 1. Iunius. ( 1. june )'

'What year ?! ' please God don't let it be what I think it is.
'It's 370. (BC) '

How is this possible? I actually traveled through time and returned to the Roman period! Wait! Think clearly! How do I get back to my time? I do not belong here!! I don't even know how I got here much less how to get back !!

Should I tell Livia? No, she'll think I'm crazy, I can't tell anyone! I'll have to find my way back alone. As I lead this fight in my head I did't even notice that Livia left and I stayed in the room alone.I got out of bed and went to the door. I went out into the hallway and started to look around left and right.

I needed some fresh air, so I decided to go out into the garden.My whole body ached but holding on to the wall,I went into the beautiful garden full of flowers. The moon was reflecting on the small pound that was in the middle of this paradise. In this paradise, where I don't belong.

to be continued...

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