Familiar Faces and Blaming Others

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What the hell had just happened?!
Torque Dawg.. was dead. And this time; his death wasn't my fault.
Captain Sparklez looked up at me whilst cradling Torque Dawg's deceased body "Did you do this?!"
Ivor gave me a look; a look as if to say "Are you sure Jesse?"
"I swear I didn't!"
"I'm betting this was planned" Petra added. All of us looked toward her, as if asking her to elaborate.
She continued "The zombies outside? The spooky mansion? The moons? This place reeks of death & murder!"
I couldn't argue with her there.
"Who would want to do this to him?!" Sparklez cried out.
Just as he spoke, the door opened and a pink haired girl walked in.
Wait.. she looks familiar?
I studied her face as she gasped at Torque Dawg's body and then us. After a moment, she spoke directly to me "You. Newbie!"
"... Pinkie?"
It was the girl! The girl who was slightly flirtatious with me back at Sky City. She also seemed a little bit shady. Not shady enough to murder someone though.
"Pinkie??" Lukas questioned.
"Yeah!" She exclaimed "What are you doing here??"
"I could ask you the same question!" I raised my eyebrows at her.
Petra cleared her throat "And how do you two know eachother exactly?"
I turned to Petra "I met her in Sky City"
"Yeah". Quickly, I turned back to "Pinkie" as she knelt down by Torque Dawg.
"I can't believe he's dead. Who did this to him??"
"We don't know" Ivor added, whilst he examined around the room "But I can see exactly what it was that did the trick"
He pointed upward and all of our eyes followed. On the ceiling, placed adjacent to eachother, sat some stone dispensers. Its clear Torque Dawg's cause of death was by these arrows.
"So this is what killed him." Lukas stated.
"At least it's clear to say that we can't get the blame for this" Ivor muttered.
Apparently, Ivor didn't mutter quiet enough because Sparklez suddenly raised his voice.
"Don't think you're not ruled out just yet! How do we know you aren't the host and planning this all? This is the first death to occur since you've arrived!"

He had a point.
And he was right.
WP was trying to get directly at me.
I should've felt guilt.
That Torque Dawgs death was my fault?
But instead.. I felt numb. I didn't feel anything. I guess once death surrounds you that much, your reaction to it becomes more and more stale.

However, Pinkie was quick to interviene "Look, Sparklez, I can promise you right here right now these guys are legit."
Petra, at the side of me, frowned "How?"
"Yes, how?" Sparklez added.
"Well.. I don't know about the rest of them but I know Jesse is. She's the Founders daughter. Of Sky City?"
"Oh.." Sparklez heaved a sigh of overwhelming sadness and confusion.
"Yeah, so I think we should just trust them on this." She turned to me "Can we trust you guys?"
"Y-yeah. Of course." I cleared my throat. I even let out a small smile to make myself more believeable.
She smiled "Good! Then that means the rest of you are trustworthy too.. right?"
"I don't know about Ivor but I know we are" Petra added.
"Hey!" Ivor frowned.
Ignoring Petra's dig at Ivor, I nodded toward Pinkie "We all are Pinkie"
"Oh, you can call me Lizzie."
"Lizzie it is then"
Her and I shared a smile. She seemed nice and genuine. If only she knew how much of a monster I'd became.
"... Okay, if you guys are alright, I'd like to find out what happened here" Lukas stated. All of us shared an agreeing nod.
"Then lets get investigating!" Ivor pitched in.

-20 minutes later-

After some digging around, nothing much was to be found. The only thing we did do is look through Torque Dawgs inventory. His inventory had:
Redstone Dust
Cooked Porkchop
Three Eggs
Pink Wool
Iron Ingot
Three Gunpowder
Leather Pants
An Invitation

The invitation part confused me the most. The invitation I found was specifically to me.
But yet, everyone else here had been invited.
But they weren't murderers or killers.
Something wasn't adding up and I needed WP to fill in the missing pieces.

"Doesn't look like he had that much then" I stated the obvious.
Ivor stroked his beard "Yes but I'm wondering why someone would want to kill him.. when he had nothing of value?"
"Maybe the person who's doing is, is trying to take everyone out. Do it one by one." Lizzie suggested.
Petra responded to her, a little too roughly "Of course that's what they're doing. Don't you get it? We've all been invited here and now they're killing us for sport. We're all famous in our on worlds right? I'm betting the host is doing this to kill all the good guys."
Everyone sat in silence for a moment, considering Petra's response. I would've agreed with her logic if WP hadn't directly contacted me. They did say in the letter they owed me.
"You may have a point" Sparklez spoke, standing up.
He stood toward the door the 3 of the newcomers had entered from, as if to walk out that way.
"But first things first, we need to be sure. And that starts with these funny looking arrows."
He held one up. The arrow was splashed in a purple coating.
"Has anyone ever seen one before?" Lizzie questioned us.
Suddenly, the same overwhelming feeling entered my head again. It made my legs buckle slightly and my vision go slightly dizzy. It got to the point where the only thing entering my system was that voice from before.
It spoke: "Tell her. Tell her that Ivor knows about potions."
Before I could even process it, the words escaped my lips "Ivor.. you know about potions and stuff. You know what that it is."
It sounded as if I was goading him into saying it.
Ivor almost glared at me for a second as if to say "what the hell are you doing?!"

Sparklez scoffed. "Oh really. I guess we can't rule these newcomers out after all. Especially if one of them knows so much about these things."
I could feel Petra and Lukas' eyes burning onto me as I fully regained my control. I don't know why - but I'd just made this a whole lot worser for us.

A Portal To Truths... Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now