Chapter 2: Limbo

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...As I open the door to step outside, I can't believe what I see. 

Limbo isn't a dark, desolate wasteland you sometimes see on TV. Instead, it is a vibrant, widely inhabited, and beautiful place. I have probably landed in a jungle of sorts, because there is thick vegetation all around me. As I step off the ship, I am greeted by a wonderful lavender smell. But of course, with my luck, something ruins it. Besides a lavender smell, I can see fires burning in the distance. Being the genius I am, I go to investigate. And to my surprise, I saw a village. With people! But then as all hellish places do, the village had an insurmountable wall guarding it. If my ship actually friggin' worked I could blast it open with laser beams, but my ship is COMPLETELY disabled. Fun.  So I start to develop a terribly thought out plan. My plan is to waltz up to the walls holding an empty bottle of rum, as if I am drunken. As they send guards down to investigate, I will kill them and take their weapons. Then I will rush to the entrance and kill any guards there. I head down to the village to begin my to-be-failed infiltration. But then I notice something. People are just walking through the walls! It's a hologram! I run as fast as I can and burst straight through the wall. What I thought was a village was not a village at all.

The first thing I see is the massive castle. Then the towering markets, and then the massive houses on the streets. This is for sure no mere village, but instead a highly developed city. In their town square  I see a sign that reads:

Welcome to Vasta!

Please go to the town hall to register return or citizenship.

Below it I see a map indicating the town hall, which is the last building on the right, almost adjoining to the big castle thingy. As I head to the town hall, I get all sorts of strange looks from the people surrounding me. One of the dudes had a gun in his hand, and I was afraid he would shoot me. I open the door to the town hall to see a small, pudgy man sitting at a desk. As I approach him he says.

"Hello sir, would you like to file a return or apply for citizenship?" He says in a surprisingly high voice

"Uh... citizenship," I say, trying not to crack up.

"State your first and last name."

"R-Rick Latan," I say, again trying not to laugh at how high his voice sounds.

"Where are you from?" He says in a lower voice, after clearing his throat.


"Oh," he says in a startled tone, "I see. Follow me." He gets up, turns around, and heads into the back. I follow him, and eventually we end up in the castle.

"This is the Queen's castle," He says, "She will see you shortly." So, I wait and wait and wait and wait, but the Queen does not show. After what seems like an eternity, a young lad comes to me and says 

"Her Highness will see you now, Mister."

"Lead the way, lad." I say to him in my best Batman impression. He turns around and runs off, with a frightened look on his face. I laugh for a bit and hurry after him. Finally, after a bit of walking, we arrive at two massive doors. He opens the one on the left and tells me to go through it.

When I walk though it, I see ahead of me a gargantuan throne, with a small figure atop it. As I approach, the figure hops off and greets me with a big smile. Obviously, this is the Queen, I thought. She was surprisingly charming. 

"Hello! I am the Queen Natasha, kneel before me!" She says in a pixie like voice, but before I can do anything, she starts laughing.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I find it most amusing to mess with new ousiders," She say in a more natural sounding voice, "My real name is Victoria, but you can call me Vic. I'm from Earth as well, by the way, except I am probably not from the same time you are. What year are you from?"

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