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In the short time Dean and Castiel had known each other, the Winchester swore he had learnt that the small, dark-haired church boy could read his thoughts.
He looked at Dean different to the way everyone else did. No one paid attention to the scars on his hands when he rolled up his sleeves, no one knew any different than Dean being just a regular transferred student that liked to wiggle his brows at girls across the classroom. But Cas noticed, his eyes lingered, and he seemed to always sit with a countenace like he knew something he shouldn't. Like he'd read Dean's mind and learnt about his childhood, like he'd sifted through the thousands of different methods to maime, disarm and kill a guy that Dean had stored upstairs.
But there were times, however, when the freckled boy seemed to be able to catch Castiel off guard with a twist in the plot. He'd simply loose that Bambi-like, shy, introverted aura and swap it for one of genuine curiousity or comfort. For example, when he'd called him pretty. Or when he held his hand while the nurse examined his eye.
This was also a time when Dean rendered Castiel out of his wits. They were sat in homeroom, Dean with his feet on the desk and his confidence laid out like a dinner cloth, Castiel flicking through what looked like some old tome, its pages crusted and yellow.
"I'm bi, you know." Dean hummed, picking at some grains of dust that had taken residence beneath his nail. He didn't turn to look at Castiel, and Castiel didn't turn to look at him either.
"You're what?" Cas responded, clearly too invested in this book.
"Bisexual. I am equal measures of both heterosexual and homosexual." Dean smiled, though the dimple it created on his left cheek gave way to it becoming a smirk. "Thought I oughtta' tell you. It's my philosophy that you should put everything out in the open before you get attached to somebody, because else they might break your heart down the road. So there ya go." His voice became thin as he stretched his arms up to the sky.

The church boy blinked. His book shut on the surface of the desk. "You... you like boys and girls?"

Dean nodded simply, but Cas wasn't taking the conversation as coolly.

"...O-oh... Okay. No, yeah, that's fine. I'm happy for you." The church boy stood, conquered Dean's confidence with that strange answer, and then placed his book down on the desk before swiftly walking out.

Dean sat up and grabbed the book, knocking over several planetarium displays as he speedwalked after him. "Is there something wrong?" His hand touched Castiel's arm, and that was it.

It was like a trigger.

Cas snapped his head around, with tears in his eyes and a frosty, frightened feeling in his chest. "No." He replied, just as a tear slipped in a wet track down his olive-toned cheek.
His hands shuffled and gritted together within the confines of his sweater's sleeves as he then choked on which excuse he wanted to use to get away from there. He was wearing a blue knitted sweater today. Dean thought it was a cute enough colour to just about match Castiel's eyes. "I-I have to go-"

Dean shook his head, holding Cas back, and ducking the two of them as a unit into a dip in the hallway's wall. "Is it me?"

A few people stared as they moved so pubicly, but the two boys were too eclipsed in one another to notice.

Castiel stared at Dean for a moment, speechless and damp. "...No, its not you, I swear... Would you please let me go?"

"Not until you tell me why you're crying."

"I can't... I can't. Why do you even care?!"

"How couldn't I?" Dean rasped, before promptly shutting his mouth, almost as if those words had been on a bungee chord and shot straight back into his body. He swallowed. He was far from used to this much seriousness and emotion. "I care because I care about you. Don't you know what it's like for someone to care about you?"

Castiel's lip quivered, and he slumped, shaking his head pathetically. "...I'm crying because I'm confused... a-and scared, and... I just need to think, so would you please just... just let me go."

He didn't let him go. Not for a minute or so, while he looked him over. "Look, Cas, man. It's because I'm bi, right? Just be honest with me here." Dean sighed gently, loosening his hold on Cas' arms, which allowed the boy to stand away from the wall.

"I don't have a problem with it, Dean, I swear..."

"Then what is it?"

Castiel searched the floor for any sort of sign of what he was supposed to say. He barely even knew why he was crying himself. "How did you know? How did you find out you liked guys too?"

oh. my. gosh.
first of all, I can't even begin to go about believing that this story has gotten as popular as it has. Last time I checked, I was at around 3k, and now it has MORE THAN DOUBLED!?!?!? hoLY SMOKES GUYS.
I am so sorry I havent updated lately!! Life has been so hectic for me, and I know thats such a typical excuse, but it's all I can offer I'm afraid. I really hope these next few chapters make up for it!!
To be honest, I'm not too sure where I'm going with this yet because I had no additional plan in the first place, but I have a small inkling of how I want it to end. So it might take a while and lots and lots of thinking to write, but I promise I will get it done!
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter- I know you have all been waiting to see what happens with Sam + Gabe but I needed address Cas and Dean first !!
Love you guys!!
-T ♡♡♡♡♡♡

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