EXO M imagine *part 3*

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"What's wrong Jinwoo-ya?" you asked.
"My mom called me and announced that I'll be moving into the new school next semester." Jinwoo explained with sad expression.
"What? Does it mean you won't study in a same school as mine anymore?" you asked.
"Sadly, yes. I'll be moving to new city next week and my mom told me to prepare now because they'll pick me up tomorrow." Jinwoo said while sighing.
"Why? Why are you moving? Why are you leaving me? And why it's so sudden?" you asked. Your tears started to falling down.
Jinwoo hugged you and rubbed your back, "My mom said it because of my parents' bussiness so we move to a new city. I'm sorry (y/n)-ah, I'm so so sorry. Actually I already rejected it but my mom didn't want to hear."
You broke the hug, wiping your tears. "Well it's okay Jinwoo-ya. We still can communicate through some social media though. I just hope you'll live well there. Fighting, okay?" you said while trying to smile. "Now, prepare your stuffs for tomorrow. I'll miss you so much Jinwoo-ya." you added while hugging him.
"If you miss me, just call me and let's talk a lot. If you have problem, just call me and solve it together. Okay? Even though we're far, I'll always be by your side," Jinwoo said.
"And for Kris hyung, Xiumin hyung, Luhan hyung, Lay hyung, Chen hyung, and Tao hyung please protect (y/n) when I'm not here. Even though it's our first meeting, can I trust you? Please don't hurt her or make her crying. If you did, I'll come here and punch you. Hehe I'm kidding. Well, don't forget to always protect her okay? I'm leaving to my room now. I don't lock the door, so you can open it if you want to sleep."
"Okay Jinwoo-ya we understand." Kris replied.
"Thanks hyungdeul." Jinwoo smiled then he stood and went to the door.
When he reached it, he turned his head, "See you tomorrow (y/n)-ah! You should wake up early and help me prelaring my stuff. Ara?"
"Ara Jjnwoo-ya. See you." you waved your hand to him. Jinwoo nodded slightly then he started to walking towards his room.
"Are you okay (y/n)-ah?" Xiumin asked.
"I'm okay Oppa, I'm just upset." you answered.
With low and soft tone Xiumin replied, "Well you can sleep now and I'll wash them."
"No no you don't need to do it. I bet you're tired after moving from your former dorm. I can do it by myself." you shook your head.
"At least can I help you then?" Xiumin asked again.
"If it isn't making you hard, sure!" you replied.
"Dongsaengdeul, you all can leave us now. You all must feel tired after a long trip right? I'll go to there later." Xiumin told to the rest members.
"Okay we'll leave (y/n) with you, Xiumin. And (y/n)-ah, baby don't cry tonight~" Kris replied while singing 'Baby Don't Cry'.
You chuckled, "I won't cry Oppa, and thanks anyway for singing me. Sleep well guys, see you tomorrow!"
They nodded then stood. You kept staring at their back until they disappeared from your sight.
"Let's start washing them now, shall we?" Xiumin asked.
"Yup sure Oppa!"
You and Xiumin took the cutlery and placed it in on sink. Accidentally, you hand touched his. You felt his hand was warmer than yours. Suddenly, Xiumin grab your hand and rubbed your palm.
"Are you sick? Why is your palm so cold?" Xiumin asked. He looked so worried.
"I'm okay. My palm is always cold like this when the weather is cool." you explained.
"Oh I see," Xiumin then returned your hand slowly. "I'm sorry. I touched your hands without permission."
"It's okay. By the way...."
"I don't want to wash my hand."
"Because Xiumin from EXO just touched my hands. Omg, what did I dream last night?!" your fangirl soul exploded in front of Xiumin, making Xiumin laughed.
Xiumin patted your shoulder, "You have to wash your hand for the sake of your health (y/n)-ah."
"Yeah I understand uisa-nim." you chuckled.
Then you went to the sink and started to washing the cutlery. When you washed it, suddenly Xiumin poked your cheek with his finger that full with foam.
"Ya! What are you doing?!" you yelled while poking his cheek back.
You giggled and poked his cheek again. Xiumin went to mirror and he laughed. "Omo, my face!"
You went to the mirror too and followed him to laughing. "Omo my face too! Ya! Xiumin Oppa who allow you to poke my face?!" you pouted.
"Hehe you look cuter though!" Xiumin scoffed.
"Hey let's take a selca!" Xiumin suggested.
"What?! No! Please take it when I'm pretty!" you crossed your hands over your chest.
But you were late to complain, Xiumin already took your photo. "Hahaha you look so cute! Let's take another photo!" Xiumin pulled you and embrace your shoulder while taking the photo of you and him.
"Foam couple~" he said.
"What kind of name is it?" you frowned while hitting his arm.
Suddenly he realized something when he glanced to the clock, "Omo! Almost midnight! We should continue our work now, my foam couple!"
You blushed, 'MY foam couple?'. Then you nodded while continuing for washing cutlery. But still, Xiumin kept telling some jokes and making you laugh.

EXO imagine by admin HunnaWhere stories live. Discover now