Chapter #1: I was only joking Jesus!

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(Y/n) was walking towards her home,  where her grand father was waiting for her arrival.

You see, (Y/n) (L/n) was an average girl, (h/l) (I think,and I mean the Hair Leigh. How long your hair is. I think I explained myself :'v) (H/c) hair, she was currently wearing a (f/c) T-shirt and (f/c) leggings and a pair of flat black shoes that matched her outfit perfectly. She just came back from her best friend (F/n)'s sleep over. It turned out that (F/n)'s father had to go to a meeting, and (Y/n) had to go early because of that.

"I'M HOME GRANDPA." The girl shouted, entering the rather large living room.

"JESUS WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? Bish, I was worried." (G/f/n) (Grand Father's name, lol.) shouted, coming right at the girl, and flicked her forehead hard.

Your grandpa was't the typical grandpa that was all old, stayed in a chair and did nothing. No.

It was all the opposite.

He was really cheerful, sarcastic, even he ha a sassy side. At 5:00 he goes and makes exercises of you-don't-really-know, and he was working most of the time. Even though he was 60, he was like a 25 old person. He still had his caring side and  bought you whatever you wanted now and then,  not that often though.

Ok, you we're really proud of your grandpa.

"...Anime store." The (h/c) haired girl explained with a deadpanned expression like 'u know, as usual'. "Ah, the one that just recently opened, Otaku Market, right?" (G/f/n) said, going to the kitchen and pouring his coffee in his favorite coffee cup.

"Yeah, that one." (Y/n) replied, throwing the new stuff she bought recently in the coffee table.

"You and you Pokémons, I swear." your grandpa said, rolling his (e/c) eyes. "They're not Pokémons, I keep telling you! It's Black Butler." You corrected him.


"Imagine it saying 'Yes, My Toast.'. Oh my God that would be hilarous."(G/f/n) commented.

"GRANPA, PLS, STAHP." The girls exclaimed, trying her best not to laugh.

"Ok, so,  I want you to help me to put this poster in the wall, please." The (h/c) haired girl said, showing the said poster. It was a picture of Sebastian and Ciel dressed up like in Book of Circus.

"... Is that a girl?" The grandpa asked, raising an eyebrow of his. "No grandpa, he's a boy." you corrected, sighing. "His name is Ciel Phantomhive."

"Ciel Phantomhooves?"







"Ok, better to stop. Just, will you help me?" The girl cut the conversation quickly. The old man nodded and started posting the poster in the wall.

"There it is, happy?" (G/f/n) said, clasping his hands together and looking at the girl. She only nodded happily and hugged him. "THANK YOU!" She thanked him, smiling widely. The old man laughed and returned her hug.

"You know I'll do anything for you, (Y/n)." The grandpa replied, smiling.

"... Hey, your poster is crying." The grandpa commented, pointing at the new poster in the wall, when (y/n) turned around, she looked surprised at the poster.

It was dripping some kind of liquid, and it got in the floor.

"What kind of magic is this?" you mumbled, going towards the poster and touching the liquid. "...Should I taste it to know what it is?" (Y/n) asked (G/f/n) with a goofy grin.

"No, maybe is some poison or I don't know, a liquid that makes a portal and sucks you... Oh wait, the last part sounds so wrong." The old man suggested, shrugging his shoulders. "Don't be dramatic grandpa." (Y/n) said, waving her hands in front of her face and chuckling lightly.

But, when the last drop of the liquid reached the floor, it appeared some kind of portal.

"I TOLD YOU, I WAS RIGHT. I WAS ONLY JOKING JESUS, BUT I WAS RIGHT." The grandpa exclaimed, doing a victory pose.

"Stay back (Y/n)!" He shouted, trying to grab the girl's arm.


When he was about to grab her arm, the portal started to expand, sucking the girl inside the portal. (Y/n) yelped, and grabbed the first thing she saw for support.

It was her cellphone charger.

"Oh boi." She mumbled before falling in the portal.

"(Y/n)!" Was all she heard before she blacked out.


Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic x Reader, so~ I would like to know your opinion in this fanfic :3

Vote and comment  if you liked this <3  love you all :D

Bye and stay awesome! ~


From The Techno-Life (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Various x Modern!Reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now