Chapter 1: Welcome To Paris

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Reader's POV

The first day I ever spent in Paris, well, it wasn't by choice. Rather, it was a decision I had no choice whatsoever in making. I hated the idea of packing up and leaving my home state and living here in Paris till things settle down back in the States. I'm living with some guy named Adrien Agreste. He's my distant cousin from my (Mom/Dads) side of the family. Oh, wait I haven't said what brought me here yet, have I? My Mom and Dad were killed in a tragic accident, a car crash. I won't go into too much of the details now, but after certain things went their way, I ended up having to move in with Adrien and his dad, Mr. Agreste.

They live in a mansion, and are extremely rich was my first impression as I got out of their limo. Huge, white pillars, fancy steps. Yep, this change won't be easy. It's only been a week and I've had no time to grieve. Of course, I balled my eyes out at the wake and funeral service, but I wanted-no, needed time to myself. Adrien and his Father, Gabriel knew my parents quite well and they saw how great my parents treated me. (The vibe that I got from Mr. Agreste is uneasy, to put it lightly. His remark about offering "no condolences" was quite a jackass move on his part. Hope his son isn't the same way.) Even though his Dad wasn't known for saying much, he did say that they're here for me when I need them. So, here I was, without my parents, almost done with high school, and in a foreign country. I can't say exactly that life has been rough now can I?

My mind flashed back to when I got out of the limo looking upwards.


"Hello, Paris," I said aloud, to no one in particular, as I walked up the steps with Adrien

"L-Like I said in the limo, I'm Adrien. You're my...distant cousin is it?" He asked

"Yeah," I said flatly

"I...It's so weird that I'm meeting you only now for the first time. I wish we could've met under better circumstances. I'm sorry for your loss." He said

"Yeah, believe me, I wish the same. My parents knew you and your Dad well."

"I remember video chatting with you with your parents, but you were too young to remember."

"My Mom told me about those dozens of times. Even took a few embarrassing photos. Looking back, I'm glad they were taken."

"It hasn't even been two minutes and I have a feeling we'll be getting along in time."

"Thanks, Adrien, me too."

I spoke up to continue.

"Look, even though it seems like I don't say much, or socialize a lot, it's just how I am. When I meet people for the first time, I wait a bit before I open up. I have no problem making friends, it's just that I wait a bit. You know?"

"I get you. My classmate Mylene is the same, once you get to know her, she's cool."

I nodded.

"So, I hear you're a model?" I asked

"That's right. Between school, I have photoshoots now and then."

"Sounds nice, and surprisingly fun."

"It is at times. Hey, you got 'the look.' Why don't you join me and have my photographer get a few headshots?"

I paused as we walked through the front door. Dark grey and white marble flooring, so shiny I could see my reflection in it. There was a dark cherry red staircase to my left that gave it quite the contrast from the floor. The grand item was directly in front of my eyes, a white grand piano. I dropped my duffle bags and backpack and walked towards it in a trance. My mother told me about a piano one of her aunts had in Paris. She was a world-renowned concert pianist. It looked the same as the one I saw in an old family picture. Her initials were engraved on the side in the left corner. When I looked closer, sure enough, they were there.

"....T...this is my great Aunt's piano," I said speechless

"You play?" He asked quietly

"Y...yes. I love it."

"You're free to play it anytime."

"Thank you, Adrien."

"You're welcome, but it's my Father you should be thanking. He's the one who saved it from anyone else's hands. Won it at an auction."

'Thank you, Mr. Agreste.' I said to myself, still feeling conflicted about his motivations, but glad he saved a family heirloom

I remembered what he said moments ago about getting my headshots taken.

"And about the headshots, sure. Could be fun."

"Famous last words." He smirked

~Flashback End~

I went back and picked up my bags, Adrien walked me upstairs.

"There's a guest bedroom to your left." He said gesturing to it

I saw that it's right next to his room.

"Thanks. Guess I'll unpack." I said walking to the door

"And (Reader.)" Adrien said


"If you need anything, let me know. And read that text you got at the airport."

"Sure thing," I replied opening the door

I threw my bags on the bed, unzipping them, and putting my clothes in certain drawers.

There was a big walk-in closet by the dresser, I put my bags against the mirror and shut it.

The sunlight from the window shined through, giving off a shadow to the floor as it outlined the shapes of the glass.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the text Adrien sent.


Hey (Reader,) Welcome To Paris

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