Chapter 3- Bad Ass Friends

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Chapter 3- Bad Ass Friends

"Kim! Kimmy, Kimmy, Kimmy! Wakey, wakey! KIMBERLY, WAKE UP!" A voiced boomed in my ears. I could tell it was way too early in the morning to be woken up.

"Grr, blummphff... What," I mumbled, ineligibly.

"Come on, Kim. We've got school in fifteen minutes!" Asher's urging voice reminded me. I had the feeling that I did sleep in, but I also had one of those feelings that I didn't get much sleep. I moved around on a hard surface, hearing some crumpling noises. Where am I?

I slightly cracked my eyes, only to get blinded by the sun. Once they adjusted, I recognized my desk with a million pieces of paper scattered everywhere. Did I fall asleep at my desk again? I growled internally.

I felt Asher's hand on my shoulder, shaking it for me to awake. "Come on, Kimmy! We're going to be late!"

"Nooo," I whined, cuddling up with my warm laptop.

"Yes. Let's go. You look like a wreck." He instigated.

"Thanks," I mumbled. He groaned loudly and I could just picture him rubbing a hand across his face like he always does when I'm annoying him or frustrating him. I heard my bed rumble with a noise as he sat down. I want my bed.

"Look, Kimmy, I’m tired too, but do you see me whining and ditching school to sleep? No, so let’s go, please,” He begged. I laid on my laptop with my eyes closed, no intentions of moving or going to school. My focus was all on sleeping. I could not get myself to get up and go to school, not even with a coffee. “Fine, we'll do it your way! Let's see where that'll take us."

Yes! I got up, stiff from my chair, hearing my joints crack back into place as I moved. I felt like a zombie as I walked over to my bed and lay down on my pillow.

"You've got to be shitting me right now. Are you serious! Kimberly Ann Taylor, get your fucking lazy ass out of bed and let's get to school!" Asher ordered. Whoa, Asher telling me to go to school, that’s a first. Usually I’m the one telling him he should go to school.

“Ash, for once I’m going to say this. Let’s skip school.” I grumbled, snuggling with my pillow.

"Are you serious? Am I hearing you right? No school?” He questioned. I nodded my head on the pillow in response, “You look like a horrible wreck anyways and I’m tired as hell too,” He chuckled. I kicked him with the last bit of energy I still had.


He laughed even louder, lounging next to me. I reached under my pillow getting my PJ pants, while stripping my jeans off with one hand. "Whoa, Kimmy, I'm not that kind of friend. I'm not that whole ‘friends with benefits’ kind of guy," He joked. Please he sleeps with anything that has legs and can breathe! No strings attached is his favorite kind of sex.

I kicked him again, feeling my foot landing a little too close to the uncomfort zone. I snickered with my eyes still closed, putting on my PJ pants. "You’re a tool," I whispered, cuddling back with my pillow.

"Sharpest tool in the woodshed," He mumbled against my forehead planting a kiss. He pulled me closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my head. I moved my head to his shoulder, while for some reason holding his shirt in my hands, breathing in his scent of citrus tropical paradise.

"Can I go to sleep now?" I mumbled still feeling really tired. Now that I was remembering some stuff from yesterday, I had only gotten a few hours of sleep since I was trying to type up my stupid English report. I guess I still have that nerd in me.

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