Chapter 4- Asher's Day of Torture

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Chapter 4- Asher's Day of Torture

Skipping down the hallways of school with books in hand, I made my way to my locker to switch out my books while waiting for Asher so we could walk down to lunch together. Closing my locker, I half expected Asher to be leaning on the other side of my door waiting for me as he always did, but he wasn’t there. I looked around the crowded halls for any signs of Asher, but I didn’t see him.

Huffing, I walked outside to the courtyard alone to go to lunch when I find Asher and some tiny little red head chick making out against the brick wall building. Is he seriously that quickly over with Tiffany and ready to move on? The answer is yes and this time he's gone way too low because he's kissing a freshman!

I stared at him for a long minute, hoping he wasn't going to take too long; but sadly I was mistaken. They just kept going on and on and- well you get my point. I’ve dealt with this for so long that I’m not even shocked to see this going on. It just another one of those moments where I just stand there and roll my eyes to the sky and think really? Just why must he kiss or screw every girl that breaths?

Taking in enough of his crime, I walked over to them and was kind of ticked off when they didn't stop and I was right next to them! I sighed loudly, “OK Mr. Player, its lunch time and you’re coming with me.”

I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him away. He may be stronger than me, but somehow I managed to pull him away. “Hey!” He whined in protest as we made our way to the cafe.

“Tell your little girlfriend bye bye now, Ashy poo," I said, treating him like a little child. He grumbled under his breath and, looking over my shoulder, I saw his little fresh girl gawk at us leaving her behind, but I didn't care. Freshmen are so immature and stupid, I think the only reason they dated us upper classmen was to just get something out of us, or popularity. Trust me, I hated freshman when I was a freshman. At some point in your high school life, you will hate the freshman. Don’t say you won’t because you will, and you’ll finally realize the mutual feeling.

Walking into the lunch room, we stood in line together, waiting to get our food. I turned around and faced him as we waited for the line to move. His face was composed in a serious look, not daring to look down or stare at me.

I tugged on his shirt sleeve, stretching up on my tip toes to look at him in the eye. He kept raising his head up higher as I got closer, and eventually I gave up with a grunt. “Stubborn child,” I muttered under my breath.

“What do you want?” He grumbled, a bit aggravated. As I took a step forward in line and stopped, I turned to him, crossing my arms over my chest. I just wanted to know why he was so grumpy. It's not like he actually cared for the girl, seriously she's a freshman; at most it's probably going to last two days.

“You can’t be made at me over that?" I say questionably with a serious pouty face.

He sighed. “Not anymore."

“You were mad at me because I took you away from the freshie girl?” I ask, raising my eye brow. He has to be real, it’s not like he was going to let anything go any further with the girl. That freshman should be thanking me! Asher would use and dump her so quick that you won’t even have time to ask for her name.

I thought that he would be grateful to get away from her. If he got caught with her, who knows what the worst of Asher's friends would say to him. Last time, when Dylan was caught hugging one of his little sister's freshman friends, the guys gave him so much grief, thinking that he went soft on girls now. But seriously, who cares what they think; they're all idiots!

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