Chapter 13

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Sasuke Pov

It's been 3 week and Naruto is still no were to be found. I've hardly had any sleep all I want is to find Naruto, hold him in my arms and keep him safe as long as I live. Kurama and Deidara have completely fallen apart at the news of Naruto missing and if it were up to me I'd turn this world upside down just to find him.

I was currently in mine and Naruto's house hold his t-shirt to my chest. 'It sill smells of him.' I thought as I hugged it tight. 'Naruto, I miss you so much. Where are you? Are you ok?' I miss his soft bright hair the way it shines could make the sun envious. I miss his big blue eyes that reminds me of the sky and the raging ocean.

I miss his smooth skin, the way it feels at the touch of my fingers. I miss his sweet delectable lips, his pure heart but most importantly I miss him. 'I'll find you if it's the last thing I do.' I placed his shirt on the bed, got the keys walked out the house and made sure to lock the door. As I was walking, I bumped into some. The collision had no effect on me but it got the person to fall on their asses.

"Hay watch were you're- Sasuke?" Said the last woman I wanted to see. She stood up and hugged my arm. "Oh Sasuke, I guess we're meant to be. Why else would we bump into each other?" I harshly pulled my arm from her and glared. "I have no time for your games Sakura. Now if you could excuse me I'm looking for someone." I said coldly and tried to make my way past her.

She blinked and grabbed my arm. "Hahaha Sasuke there's no need to pretend I'm right here. I know you're looking for me." Once again I harshly pulled my arm from her. "You're not worth my time! Get that in your thick head." She huffed and placed her hands on her hips. "You're looking for that boy- why are you wasting your time with such things when you have me?" I snorted. "Who said I needed you? And don't think I forgot about you harassing Naruto over the phone. If I find out you have something to do with Naruto missing, you're as good as dead." I hissed at her.

"I say good reddens to the boy. Whoever has him can sure keep him for all I care. Don't you see Sasuke? His been in the way of our love and with him gone we could finally focus on each other. I can give you kids and you know very well a man can do that." I narrowed my eyes at her and tried to walk away. "What does have that I don't have? I am far more better and you know that." I ignored her and continued walking. "You'll regret this Sasuke Uchiha and you will be mine, mark my words." She shouted.

As I continued on my search, Itachi, Deidara, Obito and the rest of Naruto's friends and family were also on the search in different areas. As I walking, felt that someone was following me. I turned into an ally and then turned around to glare at the person following me. The man had white hair that seemed to define the laws of gravity and had a mask that covered half of his face. "Who are you I why are you following me?" I asked. "I know where Naruto is and I could help you get to him, before anything happens to him. If you'll help me in return."

"How can I be sure to trust you?" "Because Sakura has kidnapped my husband and hid him somewhere I can't find him, which makes us both on the same page." He said calmly. "I'll ask again. Who. Are. You?" I narrowed my eyes dangerously at him. "My name is Kakashi, Kakashi Hatake." He replied. "And you say, you know where Naruto is?" I asked. "We don' have time. Do you or do you not want to see Naruto alive?" He asked. "Take me to him."

Naruto Pov

The door slammed open and shut and in came a fuming Sakura. "How dare he reject me?" I rolled my eyes and snorted. "It's not the first time." She stopped her pacing and looked at me. "You..." She hissed and kneed me hard on the stomach. I gasped for air and spat out blood. "This is all your fucking fault. If it wasn't for you, Sasuke would have been happy with me."

She hit me again and again, she stopped and grabbed the knife from the table. "He will know I'm the only one for him. He will see that I'm perfect for him and we'll both live happily ever after." She laughed as she raised the knife, but before she could strike, the door burst opened and Sakura was pinned to the ground. I felt the ropes around being untied and someone's arms wrapped around me. "Naruto," Said a familiar voice. 'Sasuke..." was all I could think of, before everything went dark.


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