Past And Present

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Once upon a time we use to love.
Once upon a time we use to smile.
Once upon a time we use to laugh.
Once upon a time we use to share.
Once upon a time we use to care.
That was once upon a time when we use to.

We use to,we use to love.
We use to smile.
We use to laugh.
We use to share.
We use to care.

Before it was all genuine,Before our hearts danced to the music of sheer compassion.
Before we could hug a stranger,
Before we could embrace each other without hesitation.
Before we use to hold nothing but a warm hand for embrace behind our backs.

Now we hold a mound of hatred and envy towards each other.
Now we have to avoid strangers at all costs.
Now we contemplate on joining another.
Now we hold a wall of suspicion towards our very friends.
Now our enemies can't even be held as close as they were once said to.
Now we are a team of one.

Mask of the past cover our very faces here in the present.
Hiding behind this facade,we cower from the truth.
Hypocrisy reins,the grass ain't even green on this side.

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