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Oh so plain so pure.

I listen just to hear.

The voice of the icy wind.

Howling in the dead of night.

As a bird, as white as snow,takes flight.

Rise the head of a great white lion.

Looking at the prey, with icy blue eyes.

It's mane collects snow flakes.

The prey a innocent lamb. Soft and pure,

White as snow.

In the blink of the icy blue eyes.

Prey is hunted.

Prey is dead.

The little lamb runs threw the snowy blizzard.

Sinking in a sea of snow.

Pine trees surrounding the lamb. It's great strong branches bowing to the lamb.

It runs free threw the forest, the lion is near.

It's majestic white paws, like white velvet, running on top the white crest across   The snow.

The icy meadow, the lamb is trapped. Nothing but the lonely hollowing wind.

She sees blue eyes staring at her. She sees blue eyes staring at her by the nearest tree branch. Smiling.

Death is near.

Death is smiling.

Ice of white snow, so cold.

Lamb runs across the snow.

The edge of the cliff. Engraved in ice. The lion steps out of the blizzard. To look at its prey.

It would not stop until the prey is dead.


She steps back. Looking down a minute to see the depths of nothing but never ending white blur.

It was a mistake.

The last thing she saw before falling.

Was the cold icy blue eyes,

Of the great white lion.

The last thing he saw before she fell.

Was the fear cross her eyes.

Before she fell in a white blur.

The bird called a cry  threw the nights storm.

A wolf  howling threw the night.

The loin stalked down the cliffs steps. To feel the warm flesh in between its sharp white stone teeth. The taste of blood. The taste of victory. Even more delicious, in the cold blue night.

The lamb was warm on the cold snow. Blood surrounding in red.

A shadow wolf. With glowing yellow eyes watched as the lion ripped it's flesh.

But it wasn't over.

It never was. Over. There were a lot of lambs.

And A lot of lions.

That's it. Like or don't like. Thought I'd make it dramatic and stuff.

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