Choked on love:Phantom Hearts AU

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Idea goes out to HitaMory .

Art is my own. That is Arrow, with Lily of the Valley.

Things to know.
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease.
It's where you fall into a one sided love. The person who is in love with the other then begins to cough/vomit up flowers which are growing in their lungs. If the love isn't returned they can end up dying from it. If the love is returned it stops but you can also get the flower removed with the price of forgetting all the memories of that person.
HitaMory suggested that I write an AU with Arrow and Drako from Phantom Hearts. So here.

The first petal fell the day I watched him walk past me down the sidewalk, on my way to class.
It's a legend that was told to me when I was just little, that one day I'd find love but when I did, a flower would grow inside of me and if the love wasn't returned, I could die. Sadly I always thought it was a myth.
He was late for class, we bumped into each other, causing our books to fly away from us. His Crystal blue eyes filled with annoyance.
"Watch where you're going!" He snapped.
"Sorry ." I mummbled, and just sat there watching him get up, and hurry off.
My chest began to ache, but I still made my way to class.
Call me what you want but I followed him home. Each breath a stabbing inhale. I stood there waiting at the end of the driveway, that's when the petals came. My hands were filled with the yellow and Burgundy petals. I quickly ran home, unsure of this.
His eyes haunt my dreams, who'd have thought they could.
'Not much longer.' I think. 
It's been three weeks since our first encounter. I've found out many things since then. His..... er I mean her name is Arrow. I found her schedule mixed with my own school stuff and returned it to her. I'm not telling of how I figured out her gender, that's for another time.
Her hair is a Strawberry blonde, she's 18, she's working to become a nurse and works at the local Hospital for volunteer hours.
I lay in bed, struggling to breath.
My aunt walks into my room and changes the warm cloth on my forehead to a cold one.
"Please Drako, try to get better." She asks, then looks at the ground near my bed.
It's not just petals anymore, flowers are coming, and I am dying. She's thinking about her sister,my mother, I can tell by the way she looks at me. My mom died from Cancer, when I was 7 or 8. She's always been a worry wart, but I guess I've helped with that.
"Aunty? I ask, just before I cough up more of the two colours that are now stained with another, I begin to hate these colours, no these flowers. Wolfsbane and Burgundy Rose.
My Aunt stares at me.
"Make it go away, please." I cry.
I know that I'll forget, but I don't want to die. I'm scared. I don't want this pain if it can't be stopped by finding love.
She nods and kisses my cheek.
With that the Surgery was done two days later and I no longer remember the girl I was once in love with.
The day the first petal fell was the day I saw him again,in the hospital bed. He looked so peaceful. The bandages wrapped around his slightly tanned skin, showing his thin slightly muscular frame. He was a tooth pick and a tall one at that. I believe I knew what they were for, the bandages for a broken heart. He'd gotten the flowers removed. I wondered who it could be for.
I walked over to the monitors and the IV pole and checked them out. Mostly to distract myself from staring. Everything was running well, but my own chest hurt. It ached for a feeling I didn't know could exist in a heart like mine. I looked at him and began to cry.
'Why him of all people?'
Laying on the beside table beside him were two flowers. Wolfsbane and a Burgundy Rose, both flowers I felt connected to.
Untrusting and unknowing of beauty.
I fall to my knees, coughing and barely breathing.
Little white petals cover with red fall into my hands.
I knew he could never love me and with knowing this, I was to die. I was scared, I'd been faced with Death before but I'd gotten away. So why now was I to die. This wasn't how I had planed out my day, maybe this wasn't my choice.
The pistol barrel appears, I hear shots fired, I see their blood.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jump, then turned, his eyes were sad.
"Are you ok?" He asked. His voice was so sweet.
"Yes," I said quietly.
"I can call a nurse." He spoke calmly.
I smirked and looked at him, blood spilling from the edge of my mouth. His calm faded into panic.
"I am the nurse." I laughed.
He frowned. "That's not funny."
"I'm not trying to be." I smiled, tears mixing with the blood and petals.
He stared at me, I found this comforting, and yet it wasn't.
He climbed out of the bed and came and sat beside me.
"'re supposed to stay in your bed." I wheezed.
"I can't while my Nurse is dying beside it." He smiled at me.
I leaned into him. "I'm sorry."
"No need to be." He said.
I coughed again, this time he was here, but so were the flowers.
A Lily of the Valley.
These flowers had always fascinated me, they symbolize, trust, sweetness and returning to happiness, they represented him.
He............ I smiled at him.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
I picked up the flowers and handed them to him.
"For you." I coughed again.
He glanced at them and took them. "Thank you."
I closed my eyes.
'It hurts.......... Love hurts. I guess.......'
"Good bye." I whisper, and throw up more flowers and blood.
He holds me tightly, I glance at his face, he's crying.
"It must really suck." He said. "Being Choked by Love."
I laugh quietly. "I've been through worse."
I lean on him.
I fall......
........slip away.
'I love you..........'
I never knew his name, did he know mine?
I set her on the ground gently.
I then screamed for help.
My Aunt comes running into the room then froze at the sight of the blood and flowers. I turned, tears streamed down my face.
"Why?" I asked.
My Aunt finally moved. "Drako, Sweetie." She stopped when she saw the flowers I held in my hand. The Lily of the Valley, this girl had given me.
"She died because of me....... but I don't know why."
"Drako......." She spoke quietly.
"Why me? Why her?"
She came over to me and took the flower from my hand placing them with the other two which sat on my bed side table.
Wolfsbane, untrusting. Burgundy Rose, unknowing beauty. Lily of the Valley, sweetness, trust and returning of happiness.
These were us.
Together we had Choked on love and now it's too late.

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