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"this place will change your life"

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"this place will change your life"

- jahkoy, "california heaven"


"I've got no energy, Berk," Henley whispered while sitting on the floor on the wall opposite of her brother. Henley didn't even look at her drawing, just moved to the other side of the room and vomited.

Berkley stayed with his sister the entire time she vomited and drew. He wasn't about to leave his sister in her time of need. He sat in a chair and placed his head in his hands, "I know, Hen. Don't think that I haven't seen you worse. Harry already started poking around about you. Ginny told me that the Weasleys are interested in why you're in the bloody Order."

"I don't know what you want me to say. I didn't want to join in the first place," Henley whispered while running her hands through her hair. She quickly gave up and stuck it in a thick bun. "Our mum is dead and we have to stay here pretending that we aren't bothered by our parents not being here. I don't want to go and sit through a dinner with people that are just going to stare at me."

Standing up, Berkley shook his head and walked to where his sister was sitting. He stood over her with an impatient look, "You're going. If we don't it's going to look like we've got something to hide."

"What about the painting? The Order knows that I have one, they're going to want to see it," Henley whispered while holding her chin with her hand lightly. "I don't even know what this was is."

"Then go look."

Henley held Berkley's hand and she was pulled up by his strength. He seemed more mature than a third year, now and Henley seemed younger than a fifth year. They walked to the other side of the canvas, not wanting to see the manic.

It was a jury full of people. Henley drew Fudge in the center very distinctively angry. A woman beside him looked pleasant. It was hard to distinguish the other faces Henley drew, but some looked angry as well.

There was no doubt in the Paxtons' mind that this was Harry's trial that was set for the next day. Berkley held onto Henley's hand tighter as they saw the bits of Dumbledore's hat in the corner and Harry sitting on the side by himself.

Soon enough, Henley was tired at looking at the picture. She let got of Berkley's hand and started walking to the door. Berkley followed after her, not making a sound.


When the Paxtons walked into the dining room for dinner it seemed like everything got silent. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were stoic, unsure of what the two children would do. Sirius was at the end of the table staring at Henley with a glower. Lupin smiled softly at the two, as did Tonks. Alaster barely glanced at the two. The other teens were confused as the two siblings sat down.

Unfortunately there were only two seats left at the table and they were between Harry and Sirius. Berkley took the seat next to Sirius, knowing a fight was going to brew at any minute. Henley was left sitting next to Harry, who wouldn't stop staring at her.

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