twenty-three | screaming

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"i want to love you with the lights on"

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"i want to love you with the lights on"

-shawn mendes, "lights on"


"I don't think I can handle this school year," Wren groaned as she fell onto the couch in the prefect's bathroom hours before their first day started. The four friends were already in their robes, so they could relax until classes started.

Connor played with the laces of Henley's shoes lightly. His dark eyes concentrating and a few pieces of his hair cast a dark shadow over his face. "This is OWL year, you know. Merlin knows how we'll pass with a nutter as our teacher."

Henley leaned closer to Chase and she felt her heart sink into the depth of her stomach. She sat up and looked at the three with a sick expression, "Do you think Dumbledore told Umbridge about my gift?"

"I doubt it," Wren sighed and ran a hand over her face as things got much more complicated. "I feel like Dumbledore told her that you get sick once in a while and that you have to be escorted to the hospital wing."

"Go ask him," Connor kicked Henley lightly with his foot, but contradicted himself by keeping hold on her leg.

She hummed in response and just continued to listen to the light conversation. Henley
hadn't slept the night before which was unfortunate because she needed at least four to not be grouchy. Not sleeping was a normal occurrence since Claire died and Henley couldn't handle to constant pressure from the Order to preform.

The letters started arriving the night before.

Henley learned a secret code to write in when speaking about the Order, so that no one would be able to understand by herself. The first was from Tonks, wishing Henley well in school and that she couldn't wait to see the Paxton girl at meetings. The second was from Lupin and it was much like Tonks's. The third, however, was from Sirius. He practically ordered Henley to start drawing things. She had half a mind to send him a drawing of a middle finger.

Things were slowly suffocating Henley. She was beginning to think that there was something truly wrong with herself. A part of Henley wondered if she belonged in Saint Mungos for the things she was hearing and seeing. Henley kept all of it a secret, in fear of the repercussions.

Swiftly getting off the couch, Henley bid farewell to her friends, promising to see them in class or at breakfast. Henley left the prefect's bathroom and wondered around. The walls felt like they were suffocating around her, so Henley stopped and pressed her hot head on the cool, stone wall in hopes it would cool her.

The items in her hands dropped to the floor at the sound of a scream. Henley's eyes flashed open from their tightly closed form. Her brown eyes filled with an inexplicable type of panic. Sweat slowly rolled down Henley's face as she started running through the hallways. The screaming grew louder as Henley followed it. It was beginning to become unbearable.

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