Chapter:2JaredWhere He's Broken.

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I was drunk.Again.She left me. For that asshole. I wanted to hit something or rather someone real hard. But i couldn't, because she made me promise that i would not hurt him at any cost. Sitting in this bar all i could think was the pain i felt when she left me. It's been weeks since she's gone but i still can't forget her.Is it so hard to forget someone you once loved? I guess not. Or at least i can't. Call me whipped but Veronica had it in her. She could make any guy fall for her and unfortunately, that was me.

I heard the bell on the door of the bar chime indicating that someone had just entered. I look up to see my idiotic best friend making his way towards me. He had the look on his face and i knew i was in for one of his lectures. And let me tell you that you dont want to hear it. He sits on the stool next to me and turns to me "Are you planning on getting drunk again Felton?" he asked me with mock innocence." Just leave me the fuck alone Davies". I was not in the mood for him. At least not now. But i knew that he wasn't going to leave me alone. That's Sean for you, the irritating jerk i wished i never met. But no matter what he was always there for me. I was the reckless type of guy who takes his risks and he was the who thought about the risks before taking one.We were complete opposite and how the hell we were best friends was mystery to me. He knew me better than myself and i sometimes thought it was some kind of blessing if you know what i mean because every time i wanted to say something he would always understand. But in situations like this i really wished he would just disappear and not come back until i needed him. I was selfish sometimes but that's okay right?

Anyway he has still not gone and it's bugging the shit out of me. "Come on Jared, stop moping around like a girl and grow some balls. Get out of it. Can't you see that's what she wants? You to sit in some shitty looking bar and crying over her. Listen to me bro, she's just messing with your head. Get out of this bar and find yourself a better woman who fucking deserves you & will treat you right not some skanky whore. You understand me?" "Yeah i understand you but i don't think i can deal with any other women in my life". Sean looks surprised before answering me"Are you turning gay?". And that was it. I burst out laughing. I never thought i would've laughed so hard in my life. I don't know how long we laughed but he made me forget about her for at least a while and i was thankful for it.But one thing was for sure, i was done with women. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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