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A title is one of the most important parts of a story. If you’re title is catchy you’ll have more readers. I don’t like big titles. Please don’t write a title like this: “One Direction kidnapped me and Niall is in love with me”

No. Just no.

With that example I can also create another awful title: “OMG One Direction kidnapped me LOL” PLEASE DON’T USE ABREVIATIONS ON YOUR TITLE. You’re writing a title, not a text message to your friend. A title must be short. Please don’t use many words. No more than 5 words. I think 5 words are enough. You can use only one word that defines your story.

If you’re writing a story about One Direction kidnapping you and one of them is going to fall in love with your main character (cliché, I know…but remember: if you’re story is well written may become a good story)  then you can write something like: “Kidnapped” or “Falling for the kidnapper”.

You also shouldn’t write the whole story in your title. You have to choose a title that will give you the information about what is your story about, but you can’t tell people the whole story. For example: “I’m pregnant with Justin Bieber’s baby and now we’re getting married and we will have a perfect life”

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating but I’ve seen big titles that give me TOO MUCH information.

I also don’t like when titles have smiley faces and I love when titles have an exclamation mark but THESE ARE LITTLE DETAILS.

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