Chapter 1- First Day Madness

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I walked into school wearing ripped jeans, combat boots, a beanie and a blank tank top. Everyone was in groups, I had no one. This is gonna be fun
I looked around for any other straglers
The bell rang, I started to my first class
The next thing I knew I slamed against a wall, my face two inches away from his. Ginger hair, black beanie, black eyes
"Let. Go. Of. Me!" I said
"Ooo. Fiesty aren't we?"
"Fuck off"
"I'm guessing you're Zoe" he smiled
"No, now let go!"
"Well I know everyone here and I've never seen you. Plus Zoe'a the only new kid"
"Well, I just wanted to tell you you're mine, and only mine. Got it?"
He let go "Follow me"
"Why should I?"
"Because I was assigned to show you around school"
"Come on Max, at least let her get used to it around her before you go and make her your target" I black haired boy said
"Fuck off Ryan"
"Anyway, I was assigned to show you around" Ryan held out his hand to me
I rolled my eyes "She's mine" Max said
"Ya heard that guys? She's Max's!" Another guy yelled
"Go away Jake" Ryan said
"Max, I challenge you.. For her" Jake pointed to me
"No thanks" I walked away, heart pounding
Why are they all so cute! Ryan ran after me
"Sorry about them, I'm Ryan" he smiled
"Zoe" I said
Three other guys and two girls walked over "This is Adam Ross Red Jess and Lizzie"
By lunch I was friends with Ryan's group. Lizzie had a British accent
I was doing pretty good until Science, our last period
"Good after noon students, take you're seats" Mr. Duncan said "Zoe, sit next to Lizzie"
"Ok everyone as you may know we are starting a project today. First we need to assign partners. Ok so look at the person next to you" Almost the entire class was super happy exept Max, the guy next to him, Jake, Jerry and Kim, who was next to Jake
"Thats not you're partner!" Mr. Duncan smiled "So, if I call your name come stand up here with me... Lizzie, Adam, Ross" I blocked out the rest
He called up half the class
"Ok, Lizzie pick someone sitting down!"
She looked at me, I could tell she wanted to pick Jess but didn't want to hurt my feelings. I missed
After the entire class was picked I was still sitting
"Zoe, you're with Mr. LaPlume" Mr. Duncan said pointing to the back of the class
I looked, Max winked at me "How ya doin sweetheart?" He asked
I heard the class either laugh or make weird anime jealous noices
"This 'll me interesting" Jake said with a smirk
I grabbed my bag and say next to Max who had his feet on the table
Everyone else say with their partners
"Max LaPlume" I mumbled
"Zoe Heart" Max said
I looked at him weird
"I study"
"What are you siblings?" Jerry asked, who was sitting on ground if us
Max jumped up, face redder than a tomatoe. "If you say that again I'll kill you!" He said
Jake laughed. The rest of the class looked at Max, he glared and they all looked away in fear
"Ok, the projects about (siencey stuff).. It's due Wednesday next week" The bell rang "Ok bye"
We left school

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