Chapter 3- Fights and Kisses

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Adam had a bloody nose. Jake Max Adam and me sat in the principle's office
Max's words echoed only head Neither do you!
Neither do you!
"What happened?" He asked
Max and Jake started talking at the same time. Mr. Butcuss stoped them
"Zoe, what happened?"
"Max and I have a.. interesting relationship. Adam, what did you call it?"
"Flirty kinda friends"
"Ya. We're that.. So Max winked at me, like usual, and Jake saw. Then.. They flipped. Adam tried to help"
"And. The bloody nose?"
"Jake punched him" Max said
"Ok well, Mr. LaPlume, this ia your final warning! Mr. Jenkins, same with you!"
"Um. Will we be getting this on our perminent records?" Adam asked
"Im gonna let it slide for this time. Get back to class!"
We left
I didn't talk talk Max all period
He's just a player. A jerk. A pig. He doesn't care about me I was talking about Jake
"I'm sorry" Max said "I didn't mean for-"
"'Neither do you!'"
"Neither. He said you don't care about me and you said 'NEITHER do you!'"
My eyes filled with tears, my face was burning
"That's not what I ment!"
"What did you mean!?! That you're just a sexist pig who trucks girls into having feelings and sex with them and once they get that they just move on go the next girl!" I was fuming
"Just leave me alone Max!"
The bell rang and I left to lunch
I was sitting with my friends, Lizzie Red Ross Ryan Adam and Jess
"We should start a band" Red said
"What?" I asked
"Zoe, Red, and Adam can sing really good, Ross got guitar, Ryan manager, Jess behind the seanse magic, me keybord" Lizzie said
"I'd rather do drums" Adam said
"PERFECT!" Ross said
"But we need base" Jess said
"I know base" I said
"YAS!" Ryan said
"Zoe" He said from behind me "Please let me explain"
"No! I don't want to talk to you!!" I yelled at Max
The others looked me in the eyes, they looked at Max, then me, then him, then me, then nodded
"Please" his voice was different
"No" I got up and walked away
Then, Max ran and kissed me. The whole school saw
We slowly pulled apart, I almost punched him in the stomach but Jake ran and tackled Max
He started beating Max up. Max didn't fight back
As soon as I saw blood I ran and kicked Jake in the side, he went flying. There teachers ran to us and before I knew it we are back with Mr. Buttcuss
"What happened now?" He asked me
"Max. Explain" I said
"We kissed. Jake got mad and attacked me"
"Do you know what this means? Suspension"
"What!?!" Me and Max asked
"Not him. You"
I froze "WHAT!?!" Max asked
"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I yelled
"Yes I can. If you get in a fight, suspension"
"But she was helping me!" Max yelled
"She should have gotten a teacher"
"Jake punched Adam and you have him a warning!" Max yelled
"That wasn't as serious"
"Mr. LaPlume, if you would not like to join them then you should shut your mouth"
Max was about to say something when Mrs. Yuuki ran in
"Look at the cameras" she said
Mr. Buttcuss did, then widened his eyes. "Mr. LaPlume, Ms. Heart, please wait outside"
We sat in the little waiting room
We didn't talk
Ten minutes later Jake and Mr. Buttcuss walked out
"You two go back to lunch"
Me and Max left
When we walked in everyone looked at us
I sat down at an empty table, Lizzie Red Ross Ryan Jess and Adam sat with me. I couldn't stop thinking about what Max did
He deffended me.. He helped me... He kissed me
Max sat alone. I felt... bad
He was willing to get himself in trouble for me
I got up and sat with Max. I felt the whole schools eyes on us
"You ok?" I asked
"I'm fine!" He snapped
"You know how you were bumed about the party?"
"Just leave me alone"
Ryan got up and put a letter in front of Max
"What's this?"
"Your invite"
His eyes widened "What?"
He picked it up and looked at it, it had his name
"Why did you do this?"
"Because, even though youre a pig, you still have feelings"
He smirked "Yep.. and you kissed me"
"Yes you did!"
"Shut up, pig"
"You, sweetheart"
I rolled my eyes and got up "See you in Science"

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