I ran but I heard the sound of his goat being blown like a tribal war chant. Yousuf hid round a corner but okonkwo is not a stupid twat and got yousuf by the neck and squeezed him so hard he passed out he awoke to hear a lot of chatter he saw the sidhu family along with Sam. (check out the mlg sidhu family) next was callum and a one armed jew also some people called vitesh and jimal and a army of Somalian pirates with green surgical gloves and scalpels ( at least 200 of them ) yousuf heard a microphone go of saying respect the fuher w
Seig heil you filthy Jews he then walked out dual welding mg42 and began shooting the crowd. Everyone was falling with rapid speed. But some people just faked it and fell to the floor and pretended to died because they didn't get shot like yousuf #blessed. One armed jew lucky drank who's who (a perk from bo2 ) and revived callum and they ran off together to Malta to live together as a happy gay Couple they had 87 children who were all miscareges. Yousuf ran before okonkwo could notice.