Most important person

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Alfie's POV
Wow. Just wow. As soon as the doors opened. My mouth dropped at the sight of Zoe. Her dad was looking right at me smiling the biggest smile I saw him do to me ever. Zoe looked around smiling that's when she saw me she started smiling even more, her eyes lit up and they were like glowing stars.

She walked right up to me and her dad nodded his head in my direction as he handed her over.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together..." this were the only few words I heard the priest say. All of my attention was on Zoë .

Zoe's POV
"Yes" said Alfie and that's when I realized it was time to say my answer.
"Yes" I said excitedly my eyes glowing up and I squeezed Alfie's hand. Alfie looked up at my eyes and I just saw every moment that we had together good or bad flash through my eyes. That has all helped us build up to this moment right now right here. And I couldn't be more excited and thankful for what's to come.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said
Alfie bent down and pulled me in for a looong deep loving passionate kiss.
It felt like the world stopped , like the time stopped, like it was only me and Alfie , alone in this world. It felt great.

Being able to concentrate on only the most important person in the world and not worry about anything for only one day or a few hours is special.

Soon I'll have 3 of these very special people. Well at least I hope so.

The rest of the night was a little bit of a blur. Don't get me wrong I remember everything important , like our big wedding cake with tones of roses. But the whole night I was just concentrated on one person , Alfie , I could tell that he felt the same.

Alfie , Tanya , Jim and Joe all escorted me upstairs into mine and Alfie's hotel suite. I sat down on the bed and Alfie sat down next to me as I rested my head on his shoulder.

Suddenly Joe came back with a box in from his room that was opposite.

"What is that Joe?" Asked an excited Tan
"Well you know just a little gift ." Said Joe setting this box down on the bed besides me and Alfie .

I looked at Alfie with confusion and then back on the box and then onto Joe.
What the hell was in this box? I thought

"Go on open it Alfie." Said Jim
Alfie stood up and pulled the lid of the box open as a white puppy pug started jumping on him , excited as ever.

"OMG" said Alfie as he held our new little pug in his hands .
"It's a girl by the way but she's been very strictly raised not to be competitive or anything." Said Joe proudly

"What should we call her" I asked as I stroked her forehead

Suddenly Darcy stepped out from behind Louise who came in a minute ago and asked "Dory?"

I looked on Alfie and then on the pug and I said in total unplanned sync with Alfie "Perfect"

Guys I'm back !
First of all ya girl has been busy ya all
I'm so happy to be back.
Thanks soooooo much for over 4K reads
Excited to get on with this story and finish it.
And the best part is that by Christmas the story should be finished.
Also sometime in probably January 2017 I have a new Zalfie fanfic coming out.

Also I'm soooooo sorry that I took a break but it was a needed one.
Thanks for still supporting me and voting.
You can still comment baby names
And if you want me to check out any fan fictions about Zalfie feel free to leave your suggestions down below.

On the end of the fanfic there will be a chapter dedicated to some of the most loyal fans and I'll be suggesting some of my fave Zalfie fanfics.

Also one more question does anyone know the name of the Zalfie fan fiction where on the end Tanya comes over to Zoe's house and she thinks that she is pregnant but she doesn't want that baby and makes Zoë take a pregnancy test with her and Zoë is pregnant but tan isn't.?

Love you soooooo much

Also if you are reading this and being like what the hell I Already read this sooo Wattpad messed something up ant this didn't get uploaded after Alfie's pre wedding thoughts but after the 40% chapter.
Also fml I have an essay due tomorrow and didn't start yet and it's 10p.m. Where I live

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