Telling Alfie

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Haiiii everybody I just wanted to say thanks for over 70 reads. That's crazy😆😆😆.
Also let me know if I should call Zoë Zoe or Zoë.
Love you xxx Baiiiii
Zoë's POV
I had my arms wrapped around Alfie's neck and my legs around his waist. My head was placed on his chest. I opened my eyes and saw that Alfie was still sleeping.I looked at my left hand and smiled like CRAZY. Me and Alfie are getting married !!!

I turned so my whole body was on Alfie and I started kissing him all over the face to wake him up. When I got to the lips I felt Alfie kissing back and I pulled away because I knew that he was awake. Suddenly memories came rushing back. The kiss with Mark . Me pulling away. Me running away . I knew I needed to tell Alfie today.

"Good Morning little one!" Alfie said breaking me out of my thoughts. I glanced right at his eyes and he pulled me into a big tight hug.

"Did you feel sick today ?" Alfie asked still hugging me

"No" I replied quite quietly

I grabbed Alfie's phone and saw that it was already 10 am.
I jumped out of bed and started shouting " Alfie come on get out of bed we should be at the airport in 2 hours." Alfie got out of bed and started hugging me from behind and kissing my right cheek.

I then turned around and my face was filled with anger. Alfie could probably sense that cause he said " Don't worry little one I'll help you pack ." He helped me pack and we got dressed and called a cab to take us to the airport.

The flight went quite bad I wasn't anxious or anything I just fell nervous and terrible for what I did with Mark.

We are now home and it's pretty dark outside. We wanted to surprise Nala so we said to Alfie's parents to drop her off at our house 2 hours before we come. We came inside and rushed to Nala

" Hello Puppy!" I said as I opened the gate of her pen.
" Hello Gorgeous!" Alfie said whilst running around with Nala . Nala went absolutely nuts .

When she finally stopped we felt really jet lagged as it was 3 hours ahead in Dubai so we -p-headed to bed. As I was putting my makeup off I started to feel anxious and burst into tears, my palms got all sweaty and I nearly fell down, the only thing holding me up was the sink that I was holding on to . Alfie suddenly came bursting through the bathroom doors and as I was about to fall down he caught me. He walked me over to the bed and tried to calm me down. It wasn't working. I knew if I didn't tell Alfie what happened that it wouldn't stop. I took Alfie's hands in mine and said

Alfie's POV
I was sitting next to Zoë who was having a panic attack out of nowhere. I tried to calm her down but it didn't work. Zoë then took her hands into mine and said " Alfie I am really sorry about what I'm about to say." I looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile and she continued. " Do you remember when Mark came around? Well he left because he kissed me and I kissed back and not because his dog was sick. " she said the last sentence so quickly that I had to replay it in my head to know what she was on about.

When it all sunk in I looked at Zoë who was now looking at her legs sobbing and while wiping her tears away with my thumb to get her attention I said " Zoë just tell me in that moment when the kiss happened did you enjoy it?"
" I hated it it didn't feel like you I don't love Mark!" I grabbed her into a tight hug and placed my lips on her. I then asked her " Did that feel better ?" She nodded and rested her head on my chest. We hugged until Zoë fell asleep and I placed her under the covers , put Nala into bed and then got into bed and drifted off to deep sleep.

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