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Happy thanksgiving to everybody! I'm thankful for god, my family and yachty 💗

MORNING, 10:23 a.m

I rolled over in the bed, hoping the dinging from my phone would stop. It never did so I sat up angrily and snatched my phone off the charger.

I checked my messages and clicked on the number I was texting last night and saw he had sent the address. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time.


I still had 3 more hours to sleep.

I laid back down but not before my phone started ringing. Great.

"Yes?" I groaned as my best friends face popped up on my iPhone.

"Finally! I miss you A!" Her southern accent was strong and I smiled. She had her brown weave tossed in a messy ponytail with her pajamas still on.

"I'm sorry Aria. I texted you everything that's been happening." I put the phone down and closed my eyes again.

"I saw. I can't believe your mom actually is going to his wedding bruh!" She shook her head.

"Me either. You know she too nice."

"True, but anyways, Miles bitchhhh?"

I scrubbed up my face and picked up the phone, "What?" I was so confused. Who was Miles?

She sucked her teeth, "Lil Yachty."

I made an 'O' with my mouth and nodded.

"Why you calling him by his government name like you know the nigga?" I laughed.

"Shut up. I should know him, I love that man." She sighed, "But anyways, I peeped him shouting you out on Twitter."

"Yeah, he even set this little thing up for me today." I smiled.

"MUST BE NICE!" She yelled and I started laughing.

"I can't take your loud ass serious this early in the morning. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Alright. Good luck A!" She smiled and blew a kiss and hung up.

I decided just to get up and start to get ready. My makeup would take awhile anyways.

After getting out the shower and putting on my clothes I pulled out all my makeup and decided on a simple look. I pulled down my black shirt and grabbed my gold 'babygirl' necklace and placed it around my neck.

I stood up and pulled down my black skirt, walking out my room and down the steps to the kitchen. I walked in to see my mom and dad talking quietly to each other.

My mom looked up at me and gave me an uneasy smile, "Good morning baby."

I muttered a good morning and eyed my dad as he smiled at me.

"You look so beautiful. Can't believe your 18 already."

"Yeah." Is all I simply said.

buzzin | lil yachty ❤️Where stories live. Discover now