James was an adventurer and he enjoined looking for new things. He was sailing one day and found this island. This island had people who were injured and dying.This people were at war with Japan so they can have more land. He deiced to end the war with his words. His words prevented about 100 people from dying or being injured. James helped all the people to get recover from their injuries. They all were thankful that James came and helped them to end the war, so as a gift they asked James to be the leader of the island. He accepted the offer greatly and held a feast for everyone.
After everyone finished eating he said " People of this island as your new leader I will name this island Alika island, so everyone will be safe."
Alika was Hawaiian for guardian and protection. By the year of 9 they had invented many things like a calendar and medicine. He made civilization on that island. Everyone was enjoining there life as they did what they pleased. One day while he was exploring he found a book. This book was very old looking and the cover was torn and it only one circle that had five triangles on it. He raced back to find Kahuna, who knew history very well.
"Aloha," Kahuna greeted James, and James asked" I need your help can you please help me?
"Of course I will," Kahuna replied. He looked at the book and had a shocked expression. "James you found a book of alchemy," he said.
"Alchemy what is that," James asked.
"Ask Lelia," Kahuna replied.
Lelia explained " Alchemy is science and magic mixed together."
"So what does that mean," James asked.
" It means you just found the basic elements of everything we do," Lelia answered.
James had looked though the book and Lelia explained that these are powers and the different kinds of spells. James deiced to tell all of the people about his discovery.

The Powers of Everything
FantasyJames founded and island with many people who needed guideence so he was chosen to lead them... however his world started to change forever when he found the book of alchemy.