The Treasure Discovery

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Jasmine,James,and Kale walked down the mountain and though the woods to get to a cave.The cave was dark but the sunlight became two golden beams that lit the cave floor. They walked for four hours and made many turns. Then they came up to a door.

 Kale stopped them and said "Wait here I will let him know you are here."Then they waited for an hour before Kale came out of the door.

"OK," he said "He will see you now." They walked in and Jasmine closed the door and saw the sunlight turn sliver like a moons beam. Had they been in there that long?   Jasmine wondered  and she walked up to where the man was. He was sitting behind a desk and he had his hands folded.

"Welcome to treasure cave," the man said "Please sit down are you hungry by chance?"

"Yes please," Jasmine and James responded in unison.They ate 7 oranges and 7 pieces of fried chicken. Even though they both didn't have any before it was really good to them. 

James asked "Who are you?"  

"I am Kahale and what brings you here?" The man asked them.

"Well sir," Jasmine started "We have found the book of alchemy with your map with your message." 

"The peacekeepers! I am glad you have come. Finally someone actually heard my message!" 

Kahale added " Well then we need to begin a process to make you receive the different magics that are around." 

Jasmine said "Well sir I already have the magic of the moon."

"Wonderful then you wont be going though the process you will help the process."

James said "OK. Is it painful?" 

"Well it is at first but your friend here can help  you adjust."

"ADJUST?!?!?!?" James said.

"Yes he is right but still its not so bad but you will need some rest and energy." Jasmine responded. 

"OK then ill do it." 

"Excellent." Kahale said " Be ready in 6 hours we will start the process then."

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