The Journey Begins

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The next day Jasmine and James met at the dock. They saw Kahuna,Leila ,and Karenina waiting for them to say their final good byes and wishes to them. After the emotional visit they helped to get the sailboat ready to start their mission. When the boat was ready Jasmine and James got on and sailed off on their journey.

" So Jasmine," James said, "Ready to begin this adventure?"

"Yes I am," Jasmine replied. She looked at the book and turned to the first page.

"Hey James," Jasmine called, "I found something."

"What did you find," James asked curiously.

They both looked at the book and saw a map of the island.

"Well," James said "It looks like we need to head to this island." He pointed to the lost island on the map.

"Uh are you sure," she questioned, "It says its Devil Island and look at the sharks that are everywhere! Do you really wanna go though there where we could get eaten or lose the boat?!?!"

James said "Clam down Jasmine we wont go though the sharks, but we need to find X and its right by a volcano we could go though the Rocky docks but that is too sharp." The X was where every person assumed it would have treasure but on the bottom of the map it said TO FIND ME YOU WILL NEED BRAVERY IN ORDER TO FIND THE KEY TO WORLD PEACE. COME TALK TO ME AND I WILL BE ABLE TO GUIDE YOU. This made James and Jasmine to think that they needed to find a key.

"Or," Jasmine suggested "We could go to the beach and walk along the lagoon."

"Are you kidding me we would get eaten and would have to avoid the volcano," James protested."However we could climb the mountains," he said pointing to the mountains on the map,"It would be the safest route we could take since there is no animals that could kill us ."

Jasmine added "And we would be at the safest part of the lagoon." They both agreed so they sailed the boat to where there were no sharks or anything that could attack them were. They docked the boat at a grassy area. It was dark now and they made camp with their boat and they both slept with some uneasiness. Are they going to find the map or will someone else get them?

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