Floating Through Walls and Breaking Down Doors

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The Third Visitor arrived silently, and sat unnoticed for a good 45 minutes, until the Fourth came. 

Amy was busying herself with cooking a large dinner and Daniel was snoring loudly. A girl of about 16 years old sat in an armchair in what could be called the "living-room". She was named Mara O'Malley, born in Ireland, but raised in Alaska. She was invited by Amy, Mara would have never entered anyone's house without permission, but she was not much of a conversationalist. She decided to keep to herself until the others came and she absolutely had to introduce herself. Amy and Mara had known each other since they were small children, but rarely saw each other because of their distance. Amy and her twin Sarah, who Mara noticed was not present at the moment, were raised in Scotland, and that is quite a journey from Alaska. Mara could hear Amy reading the directions aloud to herself, and noticed that she'd lost her accent completely. 

After a while there was a sharp rap on the door, followed by a noise like a stick of dynamite had detonated inside of the ceiling. Seconds later, a dented and blackened metal door came cascading down the stairwell, into the room where Mara sat quietly. Amy flew into the room like a wild animal. Along with quite a bit of smoke, came a figure wreathed in fire. A black wispy aura surrounded Amy, as she prepared herself for attack. A young man stepped from the shadowy haze. He had the most vibrant eyes that Mara had ever seen, or would ever see again. They almost glowed, like a piercing green laser. But, the most striking thing about him was, the huge smile that inhabited his face. Amy relaxed and loosened her stance.

"Oh, its just you. Thanks for blowing my door off." Amy couldn't help but smile too, which was a rare occurrence.

"I apologize, but no one answered when I knocked. I will fix it right away." He shook Amy's hand firmly.

A soft voice floated from the back of the room, "You only knocked once." Amy jumped and spun around, still on edge from the explosion. 

She put a hand to her forehead, "Geez Mara, I didn't hear you come in."

"Sorry, I figured you were busy, so I just waited here."

"Oh no worries, I just feel bad because you were in here by yourself."

"It's okay, I like being alone." An uncomfortable silence ensued. 

"Oooo-kay then, I'll just be finishing up making dinner." Amy walked quickly away into the kitchen. Mara was her friend, but that girl gave her the creeps sometimes.

"If you don't mind, I'd be happy to assist you." The young man called out to Amy. His smile was faltering under the uncomfortable, and relentlessness stare of Mara O'Malley. 

"Sure, if you really want to." Amy called from the kitchen.

As he turned to follow, Mara uttered in her stage whisper-like-voice, "What is your name?"

"Drake, Drake Malachovsky." He answered with a bit of pride.

"I don't know any Malachovsky's, I'm Mara O'Malley."

"Well, it is lovely to meet you Mara O'Malley." His smile returned and he rushed into the kitchen.


Drake helped Amy finish cooking the meal and they set it out on a large oak table that Amy stole from a furniture store.

"That doesn't smell too bad. I expected worse from a couple of children." A grave voice called out from the doorway to the staircase. Amy had spent a lot of time watching movies while she refurnished the basement. One of those movies happened to be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. She couldn't help but think that this last visitor sounded like an American Severus Snape.

"I'm glad you could make it Marcus." Amy extended a hand as a welcome. He ignored it and pushed past them to sit at the table. Amy rolled her eyes, but Drake was thoroughly offended.

"Excuse me, that was rude!" Drake started toward the newcomer.

Amy grabbed his arm to stop him, "Hey, it's fine, just ignore him."

"That was not called for, he was blatantly ignoring you, just to be impolite!" Drake had a great prejudice against people who were not respectful to others.

"He is old and grumpy, but we really need him." Amy had briefly explained her plan to Drake.

"Old? He can't be much older than me." Drake was slowly composing himself.

"He is, trust me." She walked towards the hall to wake up Daniel, who had been asleep this whole time.

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