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Michelle POV
I ran up to Jaden's room. No one knows where Beyoncé is. She won't answer her phone and she isn't home. I just got off the phone with the studio and she isn't there. I know Jaden is home though. She never really goes out. She loves to stay home and watch movies so anyone could rely on her.

As I ran up the steps and neared the bedroom door when I heard a slight moan. I stopped in my tracks and prayed.

"Lord, please don't scar me, I've been a good woman." I whispered to myself before opening the door. I was more surprised than I thought.

"JADEN! Hurry and change, Kelly is in the hospital and no one knows where Beyo-. BEYONCÉ!" I said, shocked at the woman Jaden was hovering over.

I was shocked for several reasons. First, I've known Beyoncé since I was 19 and she never told me that she liked women. Second, Jaden!! With Jaden in lingerie!! I didn't know what to do or say. Third, I've been calling Bey for the past 20 minutes and now I know what the hell shes been doing all day. Like what the hell Beyoncé!!

"KELLY'S WHERE??" Jaden yelled, rushing to put on a sweat suit over her lingerie.
"Sh-she got in a car accident! What is Beyoncé doing here in her lingerie!?" I asked. Jaden and Bey were about to get an ear full on the car ride to to hospital.

"Can we just focus on Kelly and not who's in bed with me right now!" Jaden said as she handed Bey a sweat suit.

Car ride
"Wh-what is this?" I asked, pointing between Beyoncé and Jaden.
"This," Bey said pointing between her and Jaden.
"Is a relationship. It's also none of your damn business."

"Bey!" Jaden said, grabbing her hand.
"I'm sorry but all she's gonna do is tell us that gay relationships are wrong. God said that he will love all his children equally so she can't say shit." Bey huffed.

"Stop that. You just shut her down without her even saying anything. Shit! I would have questions if I walked in on two friends I've known for a good while about to have sex!" Jaden slightly yelled in my defense.

"I see what you're saying. I'm sorry but I really love Jaden and I don't want anyone to feel they can take what we have." Bey sighed while holding Jaden's hand, rubbing her thumb.

"I get it, but I've known you since we were 19 and not once did you tell me. I would have liked to be warned that there could be anyone in your room." I said calmly.

"Why do you need to know!? That's none of your business!" Bey yelled back at me.
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Jaden yelled.

The next 5 minutes of the car ride was silent until Jaden broke the silence by asking questions.
"Who told you she was in the hospital?" She asked.
"The hospital called me because our text messages were open on her phone." I sighed.

"It's not you fault Michelle." Jaden said, putting her free hand on my knee.
"I feel like it is but I wasn't texting her back. She was just blowing up my phone." I said, looking at the messages.
We finally pulled up to the hospital.
We all ran to the front desk.

"Hi! We're here for Kelendria Rowland." Beyoncé said, leaning over the counter.
"Relationships please." The woman asked with a smile as she typed.

"Sisters" Beyoncé quickly responded.
"Room 444" the woman said as she looked up from her computer. But we were already in the elevator.

Beyoncé lead the way, never letting go of Jaden's hand. When we finally reached the room we got to Kelly's side.
"Jaden!" Kelly yelled as we all approached the bed. Not gonna lie I was a little jealous but I didn't let anyone see that.

"Hey babe!" Jaden said as she hugged Kelly.
"How are you!? I haven't seen you in a while! Are you two working on a new album?" Kelly asked, pointing between Jaden and Beyoncé. Oh I wanted to see this. Kelly is going to be pissed she didn't know sooner.

"Um, actually Kells!" Beyoncé started.
"We are together, like a relationship." She finished as she reached over Kelly's stomach to grab Jaden's hand, again.

"Oh my gosh! Finally! You two were meant for each other!" Kelly said as she clapped her hands together.
"Wait? How did you know I was-?"
"Ooh Bey! It's been obvious since we were in Destiny's Child. I always knew and totally shipped ya'll!" Kelly said with a huge smile. How could she be okay with this!? I'm so livid!!She finally noticed me standing at her feet.

"Michelle! Why the hell didn't you answer any of my texts! Same with you Beyoncé!" Kelly yelled as she pushed Beyoncé's shoulder. I spoke first. "I was in a meeting, I didn't want to be rude."

"And you Beyoncé?" Kelly asked. You could tell she was pissed. She never calls Beyoncé by her full name.
"I don't have my phone on me. I'm so sorry boo!" Beyoncé replied as she fixed Kelly's sheets.
"Okay, I thought y'all were turning on a sister. Both of y'all don't answer your phones!" She laughed. Just as Beyoncé was going to speak the doctor came in.

"Hello Family!" He said with a smile.
"I'm Dr. Dale and I'm here to inform you all some news. Both good and bad." His smile slowly faded.

"What's the good news?" Jaden's positive ass asked.
"Kelly will be able to leave tomorrow morning." He said as he made eye contact with each one of us.
"The bad news?" Beyoncé asked shyly as she pulled Jaden to her chest. I wanted to throw up at the sight of them and their PDA.

"Kelly," the doctor said sympathetically as he turned to face her.
"I'm sorry but you lost the baby."
Kelly started crying and screaming. That must have been why she was blowing up my phone. Jaden rushed to Kelly's side to comfort her as Beyoncé and I stood there at a loss for words.

"That's why she was trying to call us!" I said as I turned towards Beyoncé.
"Oh my gosh! Kelly I'm so sorry!" Beyoncé said as she then ran to her side.
"It-its fine!" She cried.

We all decided to stay the night with Kelly. The whole night was me trying not to throw up every time Jaden and Beyoncé touched each other. But Kelly still thought it was the cutest thing ever.

Edited A/N
Well darn Michelle, you jelly?😏

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