Chapter 2

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I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath to calm myself down and attempt to stop my hands from shaking.  I opened my eyes and standing there across the room were the 5 guys I have been waiting to meet for so long.  

There were about 10 girls in line in front of us to meet them, but I wasn't focused on that.  My eyes were locked on Eric.


Another day, another city.  

We were in Detroit today for a couple of radio appearances and it was a nice day.  The sun was out and I just had a feeling today was going to be a great day.  We got to the movie theater at around 2 to avoid causing a commotion when all of the fans arrived around 3.  Me and the guys hung out, bowled a little and ate some food.  Soon 3 o'clock was upon us and we lined up infront of the screen where the meet and greet pictures were going to be taken.  They let the fans in and thats when I saw her.

Madison's POV

The line disappeared in front of me and it was my turn to walk up to the guys.  I shook my head to escape the trance I was in and walked towards them.

"I'm sorry we ruined your life, babe." I laughed at Joey's remark.

"It's okay I forgive you," I quickly replied.

I went down the line and gave them all hugs, with one hug lasting a little bit longer than the others. Eric. I got in between Colton and Thomas for the picture and Thomas quickly pulled me close and whispered something in my ear.

"Stick around after we're done singing. I'll tell our manager, Paris that you and your friends are going to spend the day with us."

I looked at him in disbelief but quickly agreed. Gabby, Maddie, Kelli and I walked over to the stage and stood front row center and talked amongst ourselves about why they would possiby want to hang out with us all day.  With that we saw them walking towards the stage and we stopped our conversation. 

"Hi guys I'm Joey!"

"What's up I'm Eric."  

"What's up I'm Thomas."

"I'm Colton."

"And I'm Anthony"

"And we are... MIDNIGHT RED!!" they all yelled in unison.

Hubie, their guitarist started playing the familiar tune of Treasure by Bruno Mars and they sang in perfect harmony.  After a couple more songs, they sang their newest single, Take Me Home.  Gabby, Kelli, Maddie and I were singing and dancing along to our summer anthem, and we caught the attention of all of the guys who were smiling and singing to us. 

"Just wanna be closer, as the night gets colder, and the music's over, just take me home" Eric sang to me staring right into my eyes.  When the song was over my friends just stared at me like I had grown two heads.

"Madison, Eric couldn't take his eyes off of you the entire time they were performing."  Kelli said to me as we were walking to the couches to wait for the boys. 

"Funny joke.  Why would he look at me out of everyone here?"

"Just take our word for it Madison, he was." Gabby said and I left it at that. 

10 minutes later after selfies had been taken and the room was cleared Anthony walked up to us.

"Ready for a day of fun?!"

"I mean yeah, but why exactly do you want to hang out with us? I'm just a little confused."  I said in reply. 

"Well you see, Eric -" Anthony couldn't finish what he was saying due to Eric walking up behind him and covering his mouth with is hand to stop him from continuing. 

"Hey, I'm Eric" he said with a wink in my direction.

I could tell my face was bright red but I calmed myself down and smiled back. I could feel my friends' stares on the side of my head and their discreet nudges to my side but I couldn't tear my eyes away from his.  That was until Colton walked up and told us the van was ready to take us to a different movie theater so fans wouldn't bother us. 

We piled into the van, Eric, Colton and I in the very back, Gabby, Anthony, and Maddie in front of us, and Kelli was with Joey and Thomas the row in front of them.  Things were cramped and I was practically on Eric's lap.  I turned my head and awkwardly smiled at him apologizing, expecting a "no problem" in return he instead grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together and brought me closer to his body. 

I think I could get used to this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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