First Glance

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Prompt: Write about two people seeing each other for the first time.


Michelle walked down the street, earbuds blaring music from her favorite band. She was wearing a white T-Shirt, black jeans, and bright red converse. She also happened to be holding a holiday hot chocolate with the lid off, casually sipping the hot drink every once and a while. All of the sudden she was on the floor, her earbuds had been ripped from her ears, and hot chocolate was scorching through her white shirt and her skin.  When she looked up, she met a pair of striking hazel eyes. They had little flecks of gold in them, with rings of green towards the center. She despised them. 

"Watch where you're going!" Michelle exclaimed with an angry huff. 

The person attached to the eyes replied; "Sorry. I, uh, I didn't mean to, I mean, um, sorry." He looked only at the ground. 

Michelle looked at the boy closely, taking in his jet black hair, artfully ripped jeans, and old hoodie. She scoffed in disgust. "Make sure to never make the unfortunate mistake of running into me again" she decreed, as she flipped her hair and walked away, leaving the poor boy in a state of confusion and guilt. 

Michelle sashayed into her rather luxurious apartment she shared with her sister and father. Her father was a very successful investment banker, her sister a celebrity makeup artist. Michelle herself was an up-and-coming actress, already scoring big roles in TV shows and commercials. Her slender figure, bright blue eyes, and bleach blonde hair made her the perfect candidate for lots of Hollywood movies and shows. She practically smashed her newest phone on the glass table in the front room, calling for her sister's attention. "Chloe!"

"What do you want now?" shouted Chloe from the kitchen. "What could you possibly want?" Chloe meandered from the kitchen to the front room, and plopped unceremoniously on the couch. "Spill" she demanded.

"Well..." Michelle took in a large breath "Imetthistotallyrudeguyearlierandhetotallyjustsmackedintomeandthenhedidn'tevenhelpmeupandIcan'tbelieveheactuallydidthattomelikewhatthehellmanyouknowwhatI'msaying?"

Chloe looked at her sister in awe and just nodded her head. "Mmhm. Yeah. I know, right?" 

"Chloe, honestly, you don't even listen to me. Why do you even bother?" Michelle took off to her room in a huff, throwing herself onto her queen bed with a fluffy blue duvet. She turned her TV on, and re watched her favorite movie of all time, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. She watched late into the night, sighing as she finally sunk into sleep. 


Michelle woke up at 7:30 in the morning, excited at the chance to audition for a huge new movie. She put on a rather tight fitting dress and styled her hair into a tight french bun. Chloe even came in to do her makeup, a shining gold eye with a wing so sharp it could kill. Michelle's lips were a deep mauve, deeper than blood red. The role she was auditioning for was that of a very successful business woman, who lives the life of the rich and famous. She didn't exactly know what the movie was about, or what it was called, but it would be a huge hit and it could very well be her ticket to fame. She took her bright red car to Sunset Boulevard, stepped out into the cool air, and walked into the building where her auditions were housed. 

"I'm here to audition for, erm, Upstate. Yes, that's it. Could you just show me where I need to go? Thank's sweety."  

"I would, but you said never to interact with you again" a familiar voice responded. 

Michelle looked up, her mouth agape. It was the same boy, the same jet black hair and the same hazel eyes. She gathered her voice, and with as much disgust she could possibly have, uttered a single word. "You."


Hey! How did you guys like this? I haven't exactly a schedule, but I plan on updating this fairly regularly. But finals are coming up, so I don't know how busy I'll be. If you have any prompt or writing style suggestions, leave them in the comments or send me a message. Finally, if you have any cover art you'd like to give me, send me a message and send it to me! 


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