First Day

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Prompt: Write about the first day at school.


Heather sucked in a deep breath as she walked through the big double doors. She held her dad's hand in her left hand, her pink stuffed kitten in the right. 

"You'll be okay sweetie," Heather's dad cooed. "Everyone's going to be nice, you'll see."

"But Dad!" Heather protested. "Papa isn't here to say goodbye! I can't leave if Papa doesn't say goodbye." 

"You got Papa's note?" Dad asked. When Heather nodded, he smiled, and said "It's the closest he could get to saying goodbye on your big day." He squeezed her hand once, then let go. "You'll be wonderful, kitten. By the end of the day, you'll be grinning ear to ear, just like this!" He smiled his goofiest grin. 

Heather laughed. "Bye bye Dad!" She shrieked, as she ran into the chaotic bundle of five year-olds. She searched for a friendly face, but nobody stuck out. There was a boy picking his nose in the corner, a girl stuffing the ABC blocks in her mouth, and a cluster of children taking turns tackling each other. Heather covered her ears, unable to bear the twenty-some screams coming from the room. All of the sudden, it got quiet. Real quiet. "What's going on?" some boy asked. A girl promptly stomped on his foot and harshly whispered "Shhhh!" 

"Welcome to kindergarten, class!" a warm voice boomed. "I'm Miss Day, your teacher this year." Miss Day took the class through the date, and took role. There were 22 other kids in Heather's class. She pointed to the board. "Can anyone tell me what this says?"

A plethora of hands went up, but one impatient little girl yelled "THAT THPELLS MITH DAY!" with a strong lisp. 

"Good job Lucy!" Miss Day beamed. "Let's take our snack break."

All of the little kids screamed and ran out to the playground. It had a big, tall castle, a slide, two swings, a sandbox, and a four benches in the shade of a large oak tree. Heather sat down on one of the benches and started to play with her pink kitten. Soon after, another girl sat down next to her. The girl had long, blonde hair and warm brown eyes. "I'm Sofie" the girl said, "what's your name?"


"Hi Heather. I like your cat."

"Thanks. Her name's Mittens the Kitten."

"I like that name."

"Me too."

"Wanna be friends?"


And so Heather made a new friend and started kindergarten. The best part? Both Dad AND Papa were at home waiting to welcome their little girl. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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