Jason, the bad and heartless who everyone's afraid of but Rosie because she has no clue who Jason Mccann is. Rosie change Mccann in a way he thought no one could ever.
We're all having an amazing time laughing and joking around, I really like these people but what kept me thinking is when Jason expected me to know who he was. Weird but he's so nice and has a very good personality, I don't know what it is about him but when I'm talking to him or even close to him I start getting nervous, it's like he has an affect on me or a spell. "So what's up" Jason says looking at me while everyone else is in their own conversations "nothing, you" I say getting my water bottle and having a drink "just bored and tired " he says "are you staying here for the night" I say wow why want to know if he's staying or not it's not my business "yeah I leave next week" he say, I check my phone and see that it's already 11 pm, wow time went by so fast "I think I'm going home now" I say but when I see out the window it's literally pouring rain "you can't drive in this rain" Jason says "no it's fine I'll be careful" I say getting up and going up to Kelsey but my arms getting grabbed " I'm not letting you leave it's risky to drive in this weather" he say awh protective OMG stop he probably doesn't even care about he's just trying to be nice I thought in my head "then where am I suppose to go" I say "your staying here " he said taking me upstairs "wait I have to tell Kelsey" I walk to Kelsey and see that she's a little tipsy "hey kels, we're staying the night here" I say "okay cool" she says going back to talking to her friends "okay so where can I sleep" I say going with Jason. He pulls me upstairs and into this room "your sleeping here" he says pointing at the bed "okay thanks but where are you sleeping" I say "On the floor" he says getting pillows and a blanket and putting them on the floor "no you can take the bed it's fine" I say "no I'm fine" he said and I was to tired to argue so I just went to sleep. Later on there was thunder, I was scared cause I have a fear of thunder so I couldn't sleep, I couldnt take it anymore so I went under to where Jason was sleeping and laid next to him, I know weird but I didn't have a choice, he later opened his eyes and looked at me "sorry I'm really scared of thunder" I say hoping he doesn't get mad "it's okay, let's go up to the bed it's really uncomfortable on the floor" he says smiling and pulling me up the bed with him, he put his arm around my waist and I actually felt safe in his arms. We quickly went back to sleep and I wasn't scared anymore.
The next morning I woke up and jason wasn't there so I went downstairs to find Kelsey and leave. I found her passed out on the sofa so I go up to her and shake her to wake up and she does "what do you want" she says tiredly "lets go" I say "5 more minutes" she says "no now" I say getting angry, I am not a morning person "fine" she says finally getting up and grabbing her stuff. We go out side and into my car and drive off to Kelsey's house. "Okay bye" I say giving her a side hug "bye babe thanks for driving me" she says getting out the car "no problem, love you" I say "love you too" she says when I drive off. I first go to get gas and then to my house. I enter and put my umbrella to the side "where were you" my dad says kinda angry "sorry I went to a friends house and stayed the night cause it was raining hard" I say hoping he'll take my answer "okay but call me next time you had me and your mom scared" he says smiling and going to the kitchen me trailing behind him " okay, do you want something to eat" I say, I've gotten used to being the mom since my mom isn't home "yeah I'll make pancakes, don't worry about it" he says getting the ingredients "are you sure?" I say "yeah go now " he say ushering me out. I got to my room and take off my clothes and go to the shower. I get out and grab my phone when I feel something strange in my case, I take it off and find a piece of paper that had Jason's number in it. He probably put it while I was sleeping, I smile and put in on my bed. I change to a elf onsei and go outside to get the bags from target. Ameera loves Christmas so I go to her room "hey girly do you want to help me decorate my room for Christmas" I say when I see a huge smile on her face it melts my heart "YEAH PLEASE" she say jumping up and down "okay come on" I say going to my bedroom and we start getting the things out and put some Christmas music. 1 hour later and we're finally done I loved the final result
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(Pretend there's fairy lights around the room)
"Yay it looks so pretty" Ameera says happily "I know, thank you so much" I say spinning her around. She fall in the bed and I start tickling her and she starts laughing to much "stop stop" she say laughing, I finally stop and we just lay down beside her staring at the ceiling. These are the moments I crave with my family. "RoRo can we decorate my room" em says "if we have enough stuff" I say getting up and checking if there more stuff, luckily there's a few more fairy lights. We walk to her room and we start putting the light everywhere.
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"Yay thank you thank you" Em says jumping up and hugging me I swear she was smiling so hard it was crazy "you did this too" I say putting her down "can we go ask daddy if we can decorate outside of the house" she says giving me the puppy eyes "yeah let's go" I say carrying her downstairs and she runs to dad "daddy daddy can we decorate the house" she says screaming with joy "wooh slow down" my dad says laughing "daddy can we please decorate the house for Christmas"she says more calmly "thanksgiving hasn't even passed" he says laughing again "put daddy no one cares for thanksgiving" she says almost crying "I promise right after thanksgiving is over we'll decorate the wholeeee house, and thanksgiving is 1 day away" he says trying to make her smiles again "okay but you promise" she says sticking her pinky out "I promise" he says as they pink promise and dad starts hugging her. She drags him to look at her room while I go to the living room and start watching Gossip Girl. I start thinking of calling Jason. I finally get the courage and grab my phone to call him. On the 4 ring he answers.
HEY babes I'm sorry it's bad but yeah and I'm in the Christmas spirit so yeah and it hard to find an aesthetic Christmas room for Rosie. Next chapter I'll try to make it better 😊