Jason, the bad and heartless who everyone's afraid of but Rosie because she has no clue who Jason Mccann is. Rosie change Mccann in a way he thought no one could ever.
The next morning I woke up next to Jason, his strong arms were around me. I turned around to face him he was snoring lightly, I smiled and laid there watching him until he finally opened his eyes and smiled "good morning baby" he says "morning babe" I say and give him a peck on the lips. I go to get out of bed but Jason pulls me by my waist and pushes me down and him getting on top of me with both hands on either side of my head "where you going" he says looking down at me "I'm hungry" I say giggling "okay let's go" he says and picks me up and puts me over his shoulder "you don't have to do th- OMG" I scream when he starts running down the stairs to the kitchen. We get to the kitchen and he puts me down on the counter "what do you want to eat" he says "I don't know" i giggle "okay I'll just make breakfast" he says turning around and grabbing all the ingredients he needs "what, Jason Mccan is going to cook" I say surprised " well I have you know Miss. Salvatore I can cook, I'm not just a sexy goddess" he says pretending he's hurt, I just laugh "whatever you say mr goddess" I giggle. He starts cooking while I jut watch his features, he had brown beautiful soft hair, his nose was the perfect size, oh and his lips were plump with a tint of pink, I snapped out of my thought when he started talking "thank you very much for spending thanksgiving with me, you didn't have to do that" he says coming over "oh but I wanted to" I said giving him a peck on the lips, he grabbed me by the waist and harshly, yet full with passion kissed me, I swear every time I kiss him it feels like the first time all over again. He pulls away and just looks at me "I love you" I say randomly quickly regretting it because what if he doesn't feel the same "I love you" he says and kisses me again. I'm happy finally
After breakfast I had to go back home "let me go" I laugh as Jason doesn't let me leave "noooooo baby" he whines as I get closer and closer to the door, I finally make it and open it "I'm sorry I have to go back it's not like I'm leaving forever" I smile "but I'm going to miss you" he says hugging me tightly "I'm sorry but I have to go" I say "fine, bye babe" he says but as I was getting out I feel a hard sense on my bottom "Jason" I growl "sorry it was just there" he chuckles and I leave and drive off to my house
When I get there Ameera comes racing down the stairs "RORO" she screams and jumps on my arms "hey babe" I say kissing her cheeks "you were gone" she frowns "I had to do something but now I'm here" I say smiling at her "okay and guess what tomorrow were gonna decorate the wholeeeee house" she said extending the word whole happily "oh yeah" I say giggling and put her down and go to my bedroom. I pick up something comfy to wear
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I go to the bathroom and start a bath, I grab a fall bomb bomb from Lush and watch it as it fades into a beautiful orange fall colors. I take off my makeup and get in the bath. I close my eyes and relax. After what felt like hours i get out and go back the room to change. I go downstairs and find mom in the living room "hey momma" I say "where were you last night" she says kinda angry "I was at a friends house gosh" I say annoyed "in Thanksgiving" she semi yells "mom I'm sorry" I say "why didn't your friend come over" she says "because h-she couldn't" I say about to say he but god knows what she'll do to me if she knew it was a guy "ok but you have to tell me next time I was worried" she says "sorry" I say and go hug her "it's alright babe" she says hugging me as well "where's dad" I say "in the room"she says continuing to read a book "ok" I say and go up to their room and find my dad talking on the phone to someone "I want the money now" he yells "we'll do something about it you idiot" he yell and hangs up throwing his phone on the bed violently, I get scared but wait until he's a little calm to knock on the door "come in" he says I come in "hey dad, you alright" I say sitting on the bed next to him "yeah you? " he smiles and hugs me "I'm good, so who were you screaming at on the phone" I say confused "oh it's nothing, just this dumbass" he says and I could tell he was getting mad "oh well are we gonna decorate tomorrow" I say "we could do a little now" he smiles "sure I'll go tell Kyle and Em" I say getting up from the bed and going over to dysns room "hey how about we go decorate the house a little" I say watching him play his video games "ok I'll go right now OHHHHHHH KILL THEM ALL" he jumps "ok weirdo" I laugh and go to Ems room and see her drawing "AMEERA" I yell and watch her as she jumps up with a scared face "stopppp you scared me butt" she says getting angry "awh I'm sooooooo sorry but I hope you forgive me if we go decorate the house a little" I say 3-2-1 "OMG OMG YESSSSS" she says jumping up and down and screaming with joy "okay put your shoes on and let's go to the garage" I say getting excited "wait okay" she struggles to find her shoes but she finally does and holds my hand to go outside where dad was already "okay girls our first mission is to get all the Christmas stuff to the front yard" he says as we were in boot camp "yes sir" me and Ameera say in unison, we start grabbing all the stuff and bring them to the front. We finally get everything and start getting everything out " okay so we are going to try to get the outside today" he says and we start working when later on Kyle comes out and helps too and of course we put on some Christmas music.
We are finally done after 3 hard hours of work and I couldn't be happier with the final result
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It doesn't look like much but we like it the way it is. We high five each other and put the boxes back in the garage "RORO ITS SO BRIGHT AND PRETTY" Em yells as we're walking inside "MOMMY MOMMY" she yells running to go find mom "so DYSN do you like the house" I say sitting down with DYSN on the couch "yeah it's cool" he says "your not fun anymore" I groan throwing a pillow at him "I grew up" he says "oh yeah your just 7 remember" I say "and that's a big number" he says "okay whatever" I say and go on top of him and start tickling him "are you to old for my tickles" I laugh "no no Roro stopppp" he laughs "tell me your still my little baby" I say "okay I'm still your baby" he says out of breath I get off of him "meanie" he sticks his tongue out "nuh uh" I say and go to my bedroom. I check my phone and I see I have a miss call from Jason and texts from kels and sahar. I first call Jason like usual on the third ring he picks up "hello princess" he says making me blush "hey babe" I say biting my lip thankful he can't see me cause I'm a red tomato "what's up" he says "nothing, I miss you" I frown "awh baby you have no idea how much I miss you" he says and I smile "can you come over" I say really wanting him "are your parents home" he says "yeah why, I mean your my boyfriend " I frown "yeah but remember I'm 20 and your just 17" he says "jasonnnnn, why can't i just be 18 now" I groan "in 2 months baby" he says trying to make the situation a little better but i still feel sad that i cant have jason by my side "okay" i pout "dont pout missy" he says and i look around if hes here since he knows I'm pouting "how'd you know" i say "i know you and i know when you dont get your way you get sad and you pout" he says with the "im Jason McCann and I know everything" voice "whatever only 2 more months" I smile "yup babe I have to do some business so I have to go" he says which makes me frown "ok bye love you" I giggle "I love you too my princess now give me kisses" he says I smile and make kissy noises through the phone he just chuckles "give me kissy too" i say wanting to hear him do kisses noises "muah" he says "thank you okay bye " i say "bye baby" he says and I hang up and text Kelsey and sahar in a group chat R: hey babes, what's up K: oh nothing just that YOU HAVENT BEEN TALKING TO US IN THE PAST DAYS K: OH AND YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND WHICH IS JASON BUT BOTH OF YOU DONT TEL ME SHIT I HAVE TO FIND OUT FROM SAHAR S: hey babes and wow Kelsey R: Kelsey I'm so sorry wait get on Skype both of you S:ok K: whatever I open my computer and log on to Skype and see that Kelsey and sahar are on and we all get in a FaceTime call "I can't believe you Rosie" Kelsey says "im so sorry I was gonna tell you believe me please" I say pleadingly " your lucky I love you and I forgive you" she says "yay we all forgave each other" sahar says I laugh "so are you for real going out with Jason" Kelsey says "yeah" i say smiling at the thought of Jason "is he treating ya good" she says her over protective side peeking out "yes he's the most kindest person in the world, he treats me like a princess" I say smiling like a total dummy "if you only knew" she whispers "what" I say not hearing her "nothing so sahar and me want to go out, do you want to come" Kelsey says and I have to say yes because I want to make it up to both of them for not talking to them in days "yeah let's go to eat first cause I'm hungry" I say "ok I'll pick y'all up okay bye" Kelsey says and we all hang up.