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March 21st, 2016

I wouldn't know what to write if I had gotten this for myself. It seems silly to even be putting my thoughts into a little book like this. I can articulate them just fine in my own head, but my mom's insisting that I do this. That I write in a journal, or a diary, as she called it. She has her own selfish reasons for me doing this.

But there still stands a question: what to write about?

I could write about something insanely cliche, like my boyfriend. Most girls write about their boyfriends in their diaries. Owen has been pretty good to me, my boyfriend. He's been sweet, very attentive, anything else you could want in a high school relationship. But it wasn't like I was madly in love with him. It seems pointless to go on and on about a boy that I don't really have feelings for. I did have a crush on him before we got together, but after that, things just haven't been like they used to.

I do feel bad when I see him. When I run up and pull him into a hug, pretending that I am in love with him, or even that I have strong feelings for him. Ethan was about the same in that sense, my last boyfriend before Owen. I've only had two boyfriends. With either one, I never felt anything real. I had a crush on Ethan too before, and then we lost touch. The reason of course being that he cheated on me.

I can't get this image out of my head. This image was probably just another dream that Hollywood created for me, but I can't quit thinking of what it would be like to find the 'perfect' guy. Someone that makes me jump at the sound of his voice, but also makes me fight to stay next to him. Someone that's sweet, and caring, but also isn't afraid to tell me how it is. I can't seem to find that person. I never have been able to. But everyday, I'm assuming he's closer than I think.

But let's not focus on the sappy stuff. There's much more interesting things going on downstairs.

My new family, is downstairs. End of story, all you need to know.

I hated this. I hated him. I couldn't stand the sound of the moving truck pulling into our driveway. It wasn't right. They belonged over in that disgustingly huge house. They didn't need to be moving in here. Even if it was only for a little bit.

My mother has been searching for the perfect guy for as long as I can remember. She was on the same journey as I am. Until one day, while she was at the grocery store, she met Donald Davenport. The two reached for the same apple, and the rest is history.

How cute.

Now, Donald and his two sons, Adam and Chase, are moving in with us. Mr. Davenport himself proposed to my mother a little over six months ago. So now, with the wedding in just a few weeks, the family is moving in while Donald gets us our dream house.

It's ironic since us kids will only be in the house for about two more years. He and my mother will be stuck in that place for the rest of their lives after we're all gone.

"Bree! Come help us move their things inside!" My mom called from downstairs. I groaned and threw my head back as I ripped the earbuds out of my ears. I had been hoping my mom wouldn't notice my absence as the boys pulled in their things. I shook my head and reached over the box on the corner of the seat.

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