Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


March 22nd, 2016

I would be honest. I wasn't exaggerating one bit. Chase had literally taken over my life within less than twenty four hours.

Right now, he was sitting right next to me. Just sitting there, talking with my friends. He's only ever been ten feet away from me at any time today. Chase is now my chemistry partner, a new honorary member of my social group, and my desk mate in about every class.

Kim, my best friend, is currently fawning. over him. All while her crush of over five years, Jack, is sitting opposite of her. Jack is practically in love with her, too. So you can imagine how jealous he looks right about now.

It's actually kind of funny to watch.

The four of us are currently occupying the back row of the classroom. The teacher has barely said two words to us since assigning Chase as my lab partner for the next two weeks... Or however long he chooses to stay here. I was really starting to think he would just forget he ever went to private school.

We're also in the middle of some experiment using acid? I have no clue what's going on.

"Can you put down your diary for a second and help me out?" Chase whispered, giving me a side glance as he dropped a bit of the acid into the beaker. He still had a smirk plastered across his face before he set the acid container down on the counter. I shook my head, putting the pen back into the crease of the notebook. I threw it onto my backpack under the table and stood up from my stool.

"It's not a diary." I hissed lowly, receiving equal looks of concern from each of the three sitting next to me. Kim shook her head as she gently placed her hand on Chase's upper arm. I was going to kill her if she kept this up.

"Bree. I'm pretty sure it's a diary." She smiled. "I've never seen you with that thing before today." My supposed best friend turned away from me as Jack tapped her on the shoulder. Jack's eyebrows were practically fixed together with how worried he was. He'd been working up the courage to ask Kim out for over five years. How could he not be upset that she was flirting with Chase?

I shook my head before leaning in towards Chase. I adjusted my goggles as I watched him tipping the acid towards the second beaker. "What can I do?" I sighed, resting my hands against the edge of the black counter. Chase swiftly slapped my hands off the desk.

"You can't do that." He laughed gently, the boy shaking his head at me. "You'll get acid on your hands and you don't have any gloves on." He muttered.

"She never handed out any gloves." I noted. "You're not even wearing gloves." Each students that was currently dealing with the acid containers, had no gloves on. No protection from the supposedly harmful chemical. Our teacher should win some award for dangerous experimentation with students.

"Yeah, well..." Chase trailed off as he followed my gaze. He let out a short chuckle before giving me a reassuring nod. "Do it anyways, then." He finished as he began to hand me the acid container. I shook my head and took a step back, holding up my hands to stop him as I did so.

"No, no, no." I whined, watching as the teacher discreetly shook her head at me. She probably hated me by this point in the year. It was already March and I still had a C in the class. "I should definitely not touch that."

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