1. Introduction

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Nagisa's POV

"Stand!" I commanded. "At attention!!"

We are assassins.


The sound of air guns firing echoed throughout the classroom.
A large yellow monster moved around at the front of the class, dodging every single air gun pellet.

"Good morning." He greeted with a huge permanent grin plastered across his face.
"Alright, seeing as you're still firing, I shall take attendance. Isogai-kun."


"I'm sorry but as we are in the midst of gunfire, could you speak up?" He asked while continuously dodging bullets.

"Here!" Isogai-kun shouted.






The yellow monster's face lit up in a bright red colour with a circle around his facial expressions.

"No absentees... How wonderful! Sensei is very pleased."

Our target is sensei.

This giant yelliw monster was the one who destroyed part of the moon and he plans to do the same to Earth on March, the following year.

This monster's name is Koro-sensei.

Karma's POV

"--The situation is exactly as I had just described. Revealing the secrets behind Earth's crisis is strictly forbidden. If you were to leak information, you would have to undergo memory erasure treatment." explained a woman who was from the Ministry of Defence.

"... Scary!" I replied back, not really listening to the details of what she had said.

"All members of class E have been provided with the same explanation. Everyone else is already involved in this mission." She continued.
"If your suspension from school is lifted, you will also return to class E. Therefore, I will entrust you with this assassination."

"... Hey," I lifted up the green rubber knife they had given me earlier.
"Is this rubbery knife really going to work?" I bended it's blade up and down, playing with it.

"Yes." She answered.
"It's harmless to humans, but I guarantee it will be affective against him."

"... Heeeeh." I said calmly while adjusting the knife in my hands.
"Well, even if it won't work on humans, it doesn't really matter."

I stabbed the knife into the paper handout that was given earlier.

"Just once, I've wanted to try killing the living being known as a sensei."

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