Chapter 1

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It was a normal day for me... The sun was shining, the birds tweeting. Just kidding! It's London for heavens sake! It's never sunny here. Anyway back to me, I slowly stepped out of my small but cosy house and was greeted with a smack in the face by the cold wind.

This was normal for me so I carried on walking. I reached the local bus stop where I met all my "friends".

Suddenly an annoying screech is heard, "NATALIE!" Oh god not her again.

"Jenna..." I give her the most fake smile I could possibly give but she ignores that and starts talking about some party she went to. She must think I care about this lame party she went to because I honestly don't.

YES! I think to myself as I see my best friend Katie, well I wouldn't call her my best friend because she is more like a sister to me. I saw her walking towards us so I took this as a chance to grab Clara and run as far away from Jenna as possible but dreams turn to reality as I realize that Clara likes Jenna and the only reason she likes her is because she's "cool" and she happens to be Niall Horan sister, who Clara thinks is the hottest guy at school... He's ok but to be honest he's not all that.

Clara shakes me and rips me away from my thoughts as I start to realize we are at our last stop. I hadn't even realized we even got on the bus... Clara must of dragged me on.

As I enter the school gates I see a couple of slutty girls with there skirts rolled up too high, there skirts must be higher than there brain IQ and their school grades! The sluts run to Jenna and immediately start gossiping and talking about boys, typical hormonal teenagers, no wonder adults think so low of us.

When I thought it couldn't get any worse five boys who look like those "bad boys" you see in movies stroll across the field like they own the place and end up in front of us. I am so confused in this moment of time as to why they have chosen to stand in front of us?

A muscular boy with a leather jacket with the sleeves ripped off whispers something into a tall mischievous looking boy with curly hair which was pushed off his forehead with a bandana. They both stare at me for a few seconds then the curly one looks away.

He clears his throat then speaks up "Hello ladies, I'm Harry, Harry Styles and these are my friends Liam he always has a leather jacket on, so he's quite easy to spot" he chuckles to himself and the sluts and Jenna giggle flirtatiously, could they be anymore desperate!

"That's Zayn"

Zayn wasn't muscular but he looked awfully scary. I won't plan on talking to him anytime soon. "And to my right is Louis and Josh" Josh greets everyone with a warm welcoming smile, Louis on the other hand looks rude, he looks everyone of us up and down with a look of disgust on his face...

A blonde haired boy runs up to the boys "Hey lads, where ya been! I was looking for ya everywhere. Not trying to hide from me are ya!"

As he gets closer I recognize his face and start to realize its Niall.

I turn my head to see Clara staring and practically drooling over Niall! I subtly nudge her and she soon goes back to her normal self and sends me a thank you look.

What a great friend I am!

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