4.Just for a while

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There we were. Standing in front of his house. "You coming in?" He asked me and smiled. I nodded and we went inside. The house didn't look very new. You could smell the smoke easily and it made me feel ill. We went to the living room and sat on the sofa. "I'll get you something to drink. Any special drinks in your mind?" Liam asked and stood up. "Anything but not alcohol." He looked like an angel when he smiled. When he was in the kitchen I laid my head down on the white sofa and closed my eyes just for a while.

When I opened my eyes after that while I noticed myself laying on something black.No... It was Liam's chest that I was laying on. I quickly stood up and looked what time was it. 9 in the morning?! But I thought that I..- "Oh, you're awake." Liam said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. "What happened last night? I mean why was I laying on..you...?" I asked and waited for an answer. He looked down at his feet and suddenly looked sad. Then he looked up straight into my eyes and spoke: "Cara I know that you think that I'm a bad person and stuffs like that. I know you are scared of me a little but you can trust me. I promise to be there for you. I promise to protect you." What? "Liam why are you saying that?" I asked confusedly. He doesn't even know me. "Cara I saw them." What? He saw what?! "You saw what?" I asked quietly. He looked at my wrist and my eyes widened. "Your scars..." He wishpered. Then I looked at my scars and tears rolled down my face. At that moment I felt weak. My knees couldn't keep me up anymore. But right then... He put his strong arms around me and I felt safe. 

"So your father is.. you know.. gone now?" He asked me to make things clear. I nodded. "But I still feel the pain. It doensn't feel like he's gone. I still see nightmares that he's trying to kill me. Once I tried to run away but failed. When he died I told myself that things will be ok again. But it never happened. I tried to kill myself but mom said that she'll help me to get through hard times. She lied. She was never there for me. I'm just tired of everything. I'm tired of the fact that I'm still alive." I told him everything. I don't know why but I trust everyone. Then he took my hands and squized them tightly. "Babe don't worry. From now I'm here for you. I promise" Did he really just call me babe? "But why do you wanna help me so much? We don't even know each other." "But I've been into that pain too. I was bullied when I was a kid. I used to harm myself." He told me his story and then I understood why he did that to me. "Let's do something funny I'm tired of sadness." I said. Then he smiled again and it made me smile too. I looked at my clothes.. Hmm... They weren't very comfy so I asked Liam if he had something to give me. We went to his room and it was a totally mess. There were clothes, underwears, food, and all kinds of stuffs everywhere. He went to his closet and gave me a huge t-shirt. I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. I had pantyhose under my skirt so I left it under Liam's tee. It was a white batman shirt. I laughed a little when I came out of the bathroom and he gave me a confused look. "So what we gonna do?" He asked me. I didn't have any ideas so I let him decide. Liam suggested water fight and I agreed. I was a little confused that a bad boy like him had balloons in his lockers. But maybe he's not the bad boy that everyone thinks he is...

We put the water into the balloons and then we shared them. 20 for each other. Then we went to his garden and took a perfect place. "1,2,3.. MAY THE WAR BEGIN!!!!" I shouted. We throw them at each other and I couldn't stop laughing when I hit him on his chest. "Look Liam! Who is the queen? ME!!!!!" "Oh then look at this!" He said and the water balloon hit my chest too. Then I pretended that I died and I slowly laid my head on the grownd. I heard him runnig towards me. He took me up and put my wet body on his lap. "No! What have I done? I killed her!" He pretended too and it made it more funny. "Maybe a small kiss would bring her back.." He said and without I could do anything his lips were pressed against mine. He stepped back a little and then I opened my eyes. We just stared at each other for a while and then I started smiling and so did he too. "You know you look very sexy in my wet batman t-shirt." He said and looked at my body. "Shut up you perv!" I said and playfully hit his face. Then we both laughed... I like this boy. And I like him a lot!


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