@teafortanya for cover!
Bad boys and puppies, what more could you ask for?
Julian Parker and his twin brother Mason are the bad boys. They smoke, do drugs and break girls' hearts on the daily. If it weren't for their labrador retriever puppy, Evie...
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"How was your first day?" Kiera asked, coming up beside me at my locker. Her blue backpack was once again sat lopsidedly on just one shoulder.
I closed my locker and gave her a genuine smile. "You know what, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Sure, the stares and whispers I could do without," I said, putting my own backpack on. "But I guess it's kind of a given." I shrugged.
Kiera looked pleased with my answer. "It's only going to get easier." She offered and began walking to the front of the school. I followed beside her and started to tell her about my day, including the Mason/Julian mishap and the Jake situation.
"Ooh," Kiera sung, nudging my arm playfully. "So you met Mason." She wriggled her eyebrows and laughed. "Definitely the nicer of the two, but I still think Julian is hotter." She shrugged.
I thought about that and decided that I disagreed. Sure, while Julian had a dangerous and a somewhat enticing atmosphere about him, Mason was funny and seemed really genuine. That trumped all that Julian had going for him, which in the end was just his looks and bad boy demeanor.
"Not my type." I said, putting an end to the Julian vs. Mason discussion. We had finally reached her car and I waited patiently for her to unlock the doors.
"Speaking of," Kiera mumbled, opening the driver door and sliding into the car. I copied and chucked my backpack on the floor by my feet. "Mike was asking about you during math. Not trying to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but I think you two really need to talk about things."
I sighed and leaned my head against the window. "I know. But I just don't know what to say, you know? When I was in," I paused, "...that place, I just cut ties with everyone. Even you to an extent." But especially with Mike. "I still like him, and deep down I think I always will, but after what happened, I don't think I could fully commit to him. And that's definitely not fair on him." I finished my spiel with another sigh and looked at Kiera, who was focusing on the road, but had her lower lip caught between her teeth.
"Invite him over tonight, just for a few minutes. I'll be there with you."
I thought it over for a few seconds before I nodded. "Yeah, okay." I fished through my backpack to find my phone. "What do I say?" I mumbled, unlocking my phone and opening up a new text message.
"What about, Hey Mike, are you able to come over to my place at around 4:30? I think we need to talk."
I copied what Kiera said and paused before sending the text. "Emoji?"
Kiera hummed, tapping her index finger on the steering wheel. "Just the regular smiley." She decided.
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