Chapter 2 - Darling

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Stiles' head whipped around so fast at the sound of the single word it was a wonder he didn't have whiplash. His immediate thought was that baby Isaac was remembering his mother from his toddler days but that thought was immediately pushed from his head when he saw Isaac reach towards him, pudgy baby grabby-arms, watery smile and all, and screamed "Mama!" one more time. 

Stiles squinted and looked at Derek. And sure enough, the look on Derek's face proved Stiles' theory that he wasn't going mad and starting to hallucinate.

  "Um, Derek?" Stiles said, unsure of what to do in this situation. Derek seemed lost in thought for a moment before he spoke.

"Take him," was all he said.

Stiles walked forward and took the soft baby in his arms who immediately snuggled himself in Stiles' inviting arms and let out a content gurgle and mumble of "Mamuh"

"So," Stiles said as he walked over to sit beside Derek on the bed, "what do I do? And why exactly is Isaac calling me his mom? 'Cause last time I checked, I had a dick. And zero boobs." Derek chuckled a bit.

"He thinks you're his mom because you act like it. He probably felt the same way when he was his normal self before he got changed. So now that he's a baby, he's looking towards you as that mother figure."

"But when have I ever done anything to be considered a mother figure?" Stiles asked, confused.

"Think about it, Stiles. You're the one that helps Isaac with his homework, makes sure that the rest of the pack is treating him right and even makes sure he eats right. Which really doesn't matter because he's a werewolf. You even go as far as cleaning his room and doing his laundry for him."

"But I do your laundry too. And clean your room. So I don't see how those two fit there. And besides, I'm just looking out for Isaac. The kid's had a pretty rough past and he deserves a good change."

"You're right. But you do realise that all of that stuff is your job, right?" was all Derek said before he positioned himself to lay down on the right side of the king-sized bed.

"What do you mean it's my job?" Stiles asked in a whisper-shout. His temporary son was now fast asleep in his arms and he didn't want to wake him. He set him down beside Derek, putting him in the center of the  large bed. 

"Figure it out on your own."

"C'mon, Der! Use your words."

"Figure it out on your own. But since you're being so dense I'll give you a hint. Mama."

"Wha-," Stiles was about to voice his frustration but stopped short as something just dawned on him. He smirked over at Derek.

"What?" Derek asked, raising his magical eyebrows.

"Just, if I'm the mom because I'm a motherly figure to Isaac, then you, my dear alpha, are the dad." Stiles giggled, thinking that would shut Derek up. But he finds that he's the one being shut up because Derek says:

"I know, darling. Now would you please get in bed and turn out the lights. I'm tired and we have to get up early for Isaac's appontment tomorrow. You'll have to sleep in here since little Isaac will do better if his mom and dad are both near."

Stiles found himself choking on air and fighting at keep the blood in his face from pooling in his cheeks. He could only turn the lights off and settle himself on Isaac's left side.

Later during the night, after Stiles set Isaac down after rocking him to sleep for the second time - the first was because Isaac needed a diaper change and the second because he was hungry - that he realised how messed up his life really was. 

He was just seventeen. But he was practically married to Derek and raising a whole pack of teenagers together. 

 a/n: It's short, I know. I'll try to make the next chapter longer.

The New Normal (Book 1 of The Complete Pack Series) [Sterek]Where stories live. Discover now