day 1.

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Journal entry 1.
So....I don't know what to write. Well I'm Cal- the angry, agitated boy deleted everything he just typed.
No, I'll do video entries.
The boy opened up his camera on his computer and started talking. "Hello, my name is Calum Hood. And I am doing video entries for this group thing to help me get out my emotions. I have no clue why I thought this was a good idea, but whatever works right? "

  He turned off his camera and sat back in his chair. He brushed his long fingers through his thick hair and let out a sigh. He remembered he had to post it to his "emotional aesthetic" blog, he edited the  short video and posted it, "Calum, dinner is ready!" Mrs. Hood shouted from from the bottom steps. He pulled on his big black hoodie, ruffled his hair, and trudged downstairs.
While sitting at the dinner table, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he looked around to see what his parents were doing, they were chatting with his sister about her day. So, he pulled out his phone slowly and looked under the table, he got a notification from his tumblr.
He clicked on it and saw that someone commented on his video, he raised his eyebrows, that quick?
He read it, "you should write me sometime" the username was wonderingalyssa, he clicked on the profile, disgusted he saw photos of half naked women. He shuttered, and clicked his phone off.
Well that was very unpleasant. He thought of himself, he put his phone away and finished up his dinner while talking to his parents about school, and classes. When he was finished, he picked up his plate and silverware, and pushed his chair in.
He walked into his mother's kitchen and washed his dishes, then trudged back upstairs.

Calum Hood was a good boy, he kept to himself, made good grades (granted the fact the only reason he went to school, was to keep his parents from gripping about how he wanted to be a musician), he tried hard, but whatever works right?
He walked into his little bathroom, and looked at himself in the mirror. Then, took a quick shower. After he dryed off and got dressed, he jumped in bed and got all cozy pulling out his phone to check it before going to bed. He got another notification from tumblr, someone had noted his video, it said "What an angel." Calum smiled from ear to ear, and checked out the girls blog, her username was septum.ring.weirdo , he looked through her photos, her face was so pleasing even when she was making ugly faces, it was mesmurizing. He recognized her after about a minute of looking through her photos, she went to the same school. They had the same Study hall, Art class, and English class. The sleepy boy suddenly got a burst of energy, scrolling back to the top of her page, stopping at her bio to and finding that she had an instagram. Again, her username was septum.ring.weirdo ,he closed tumblr and opened up his instagram and typed her name in, she popped up, he got all giddy inside and tapped the account, followed her and went to message her.

Agingcalum: hey!, this might be a tad weird but, I saw you note my video on tumblr and I wanted to say, that it was the sweetest thing I've read :)

He hit send and waited on a reply, sadly the happy boy looked at the clock and realized it was 12:30 am. She was probably asleep, and he needed to be asleep too. So, he plugged up his phone and sat it on his computer desk and climbed back into his warm bed. And for the first time in a long time, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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