Saving Halie

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It all started out on a Saturday Night. I had gotten home late from a friends house and I forgot to check in with my mom. I was waiting for her to bust through the door screaming and blowing her head off, but nothing happen. Opening the door up slowly afraid to wake up everyone. I finally got the door open, the house was still silent. "Thank god," I whispered.

I got to my bedroom, threw my stuff in a corner. I decided to take a shower and wash away the vodka smell and sweat from Courtney's party. The shower was at a perfect temperature. When I got out I blowed dried my hair and french braided it afterward.

Slipping in to my warm, soft bed. Fast asleep into a deep coma.

"Halie Rene!!!!" Mom screamed upstairs.

All that ran through my head was she still remembers and hopefully she isn't too mad at me. I got up and through on my jacket with my short shorts. Slowly trotted down the stairs. Mom was standing in the kitchen with an envelope and piece of paper in her hands.

"What is this in my hands you think?"

"A piece of paper saying you have another bill to pay?!" I said bluntly.

"No, its your report card saying you failed to meet the states requirement for the EOC Testing!" She said back in an disappointed voice.

"Its not my fault I had to take those stupid tests. They made me take those because of all my absences, because I had no choice to set at a hospital making sure my brother was going to be okay. Its not my fault he has brain cancer because if I didn't go and spend time with him I would regret it. If he was stuck in that hospital and died. I wouldn't have been there to tell him 'I love him' before he did. That would be all their faults." I said back in a sad and harsh voice.

"Well you don't have to worry about him now. He is here and at home where he needs to be at all time."

"Okay, well can I go and get ready for church now?!" I said back quickly.

"Yes, but I want to see more improvement from you."

Made it back to my bedroom letting out a gosh of air. I honestly thought she knew I was late last night and I guess she must have forgotten about it. Hurrying to get ready for church. Which I don't get the point in going because all we do each day is say the same vows and pray for the same people. Furthermore, we sin twenty four seven a day and get forgive for the same sins. That's why I just given up on the whole Christian act and went with my own flow.

Setting in wooden bench that could possibly give you splinters if you dare moved. I sat there half awake bore out of my mind listening to Lady Cavenah go on about her diseased son, which she thinks is still fighting in World War 2. Its sad don't get me wrong, but that lady needs to be put in a mental or old persons home.

"Lets bow our heads and say our prayers," the pasture nnouces.

"AMEN!" Everyone said.


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