🌹First Chapter🌹

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(Y/n-Your name)
Don't play the song now ^_^
You were walking on the lonely streets of Busan. It was your hometown and honestly it was beautiful but, being the loner you are you always stayed at the places were the population was less.
But Busan known for its beauty always was crowded.

You exhaled deeply as you were walking home from your school with cuts and bruises all over you hand

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You exhaled deeply as you were walking home from your school with cuts and bruises all over you hand. You gazed deeply on your wounds. Well they did seem bad. You quickly wore your blazer to hide your wounds even if it meant to bear the stinging pain. Heck no you wouldn't want anyone to notice them.

While walking towards your home you had your eyes on the ground but you quickly averted them towards a shop when you heard the sound of a sweet song. The song soothed you. There was just something about it that you didn't want to move and hear it. (The video cues in now)

The sweet voice.It soothed you down. You walk over to the small shop and look at it. "Coffee shop,huh?",you spoke to yourself,"I could have some I guess". With that you opened the pretty glass door.

"Anneyong(Hello),is anyone here?". You make your way through the quite and empty coffee shop. The rich smell of coffee filled the room and the shop looked decent. You wonder why no body visited the shop.

"Oh! Anneyong,welcome to our shop!," An Ahjuma(Grandmother) said hastily,"Please have a seat." She smiled at you and you couldn't resist smiling back at her.
You heard the soft music play which calmed you down and sat on one of the chairs. "What would you like to have,child?"The Ahjuma asked.

You were still too into the song and you heard the word Caramel Macchiato. Why not give it a go? "Caramel Macchiato." You answered. You saw a small smile creeping from her lips. "Sure, that's our specialty. Please wait for a while." The Ahjuma bowed and you bowed back.

You looked around at the shop while playing with your hair ignoring the still stinging pain. You wondered if you could go back to Daegu where you always would be with your best friend Yoongi. He was always there when you needed him and protected the fragile you. You always missed him at times like this. You felt a wave of pity over you. You thought about how Yoongi and you would hang out all day and he would tell you about his rap. Sure you laughed at it but you still had to admit that it was well written. He was more than an amateur but less than a professional. Just then your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden gush of wind on your cheeks and a sound of someone taking a small step in the shop. You turned back to see who had entered and that's when you first saw him.

He had a smouldering face

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He had a smouldering face. The one which would drive anyone crazy. Yes even boys. You stated at him for a solid minute and then rearranged yourself.

He walked inside. You noticed he was a police officer. He looked at you and made his way to you. Why is he coming towards me? Did i do something wrong?
I haven't done anything wrong right? What if he asks me questions? Will I be able to answer? Gosh his hair and his uniform goes well with his face. Wait what am I thinking!?

"Hi!",he greeted you while giving you his bunny smile,"well since no one is here,do you mind sharing a table?"

Honestly who minds sharing table with a freaking handsome bunny!

You nodded and smiled back at him.
He ordered for a cup of coffee latte. After a while which seemed like both your orders arrived at your table. You both take a couple of sips off your drink while staring intensely at each other's eyes.
You felt your face heating but tried your best to hide it.
You decided to start the conversation once you both finished your drinks.

"Are you a police officer?"

"Yes,I am.But please don't let that hinder our conversation!"he pouted a little.

You chuckled."You seem pretty young for a job"

"Isn't introducing yourself what were supposed to do first? I'm Jeon Jungkook. Call me Jungkook." He gave his bunny smile again. You could feel yourself giving into that smile of his.

"Yours?"he asked.

"Anneyong Jungkook,I am.......guess who??"

He laughed at your response.

"I'm not good in guessing. Who?"

You stood up and paid for your coffee and told him
"Keep guessing! You're a police officer aren't you?" You giggled and ran out of the shop.

"Hey wait!!" He yelled at you. But you were quick and he still had to pay for his coffee.

You ran back home happily unlocked the door and dropped flat on the sofa. A company after so long. It didnt seem bad. You somehow knew that he'd come for you. He couldn't stop thinking about today.

Somehow the stinging pain was worth the while. You quickly took a bath. Carefully though. You treated your wounds got in your pyjamas completed your homework and went to sleep. You found your self thinking about today's incident. You thanked Lord for today out of all the days.

You lived alone and your parents lived in Daegu. They sent you to Busan for your studies and gave you alot of money. Yes you were rich but you were pretty down to earth. Greed didn't elope you like how it did to your parents. You eagerly waited for tomrrow and finally slept.
(A/n: Hey Reader ! This is my first ever work! Please do leave comments and tell me how would you like the story to proceed. I'm sorry for any grammatical error that i've made. Fighting! ^^)

Officer (Jeon Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now